Búfala in english


pronunciation: bʌfəloʊ part of speech: noun
In gestures

bufar = froth at + the mouth ; foam at + the mouth ; snort. 

Example: This luxurious hotel was not a likely setting for union leaders to froth at the mouth over government cutbacks.Example: All of Washington is foaming at the mouth over the prospect of more pork-barrel spending.Example: 'I have always attended those conferences,' he snorted.

Búfala synonyms

american bison in spanish: bisonte americano, pronunciation: əmerəkənbaɪsən part of speech: noun american buffalo in spanish: búfalo americano, pronunciation: əmerəkənbʌfəloʊ part of speech: noun old world buffalo in spanish: búfalo del viejo mundo, pronunciation: oʊldwɜrldbʌfəloʊ part of speech: noun bison bison in spanish: bison bison, pronunciation: baɪsənbaɪsən part of speech: noun
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