Burlón in english


pronunciation: mɑkɪŋ part of speech: adjective
In gestures

burlón = derisive. 

Example: As sophisticated technologies and management methods were introduced, process engineers engaged in efforts to portray manual workers' knowledge in derisive terms.


» de forma burlonamockinglyjokingly .

Example: Then he grinned and said mockingly, 'Hell of a place to spend the rest of your life, ain't it?'.

Example: Authorities say a central Florida man was arrested after jokingly trying to buy drugs at a Burger King drive-thru.

» de manera burlonamockinglyjokingly .

Example: Then he grinned and said mockingly, 'Hell of a place to spend the rest of your life, ain't it?'.

Example: Authorities say a central Florida man was arrested after jokingly trying to buy drugs at a Burger King drive-thru.

» de modo burlónmockinglyjokingly .

Example: Then he grinned and said mockingly, 'Hell of a place to spend the rest of your life, ain't it?'.

Example: Authorities say a central Florida man was arrested after jokingly trying to buy drugs at a Burger King drive-thru.

» en tono burlónmockinglyjokingly .

Example: Then he grinned and said mockingly, 'Hell of a place to spend the rest of your life, ain't it?'.

Example: Authorities say a central Florida man was arrested after jokingly trying to buy drugs at a Burger King drive-thru.

» sonrisa burlonasmirk .

Example: Men will often look at me with a smirk on their face or just outright laugh if they are in groups.

Burlón synonyms

derisive in spanish: burlón, pronunciation: dɜrɪsɪv part of speech: adjective playful in spanish: juguetón, pronunciation: pleɪfəl part of speech: adjective disrespectful in spanish: irrespetuoso, pronunciation: dɪsrɪspektfəl part of speech: adjective quizzical in spanish: burlón, pronunciation: kwɪzəkəl part of speech: adjective teasing in spanish: burlas, pronunciation: tizɪŋ part of speech: noun taunting in spanish: burla, pronunciation: tɔntɪŋ part of speech: noun, adjective jeering in spanish: abucheos, pronunciation: dʒɪrɪŋ part of speech: noun, adjective gibelike in spanish: gibelike, pronunciation: giblaɪk part of speech: adjective
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