Burdo in english


pronunciation: kɔrs part of speech: adjective
In gestures

burdo = gross ; boorish ; tasteless ; crass ; corn-fed ; roughshod ; caddish ; coarse . 

Example: Janell has always had a soft spot in her heart for animals most people might find gross.Example: He says he dislikes Rose way more because she is a big mouth, intolerant, boorish, know-it-all and always talking about her gay life.Example: Of the hundreds of figurines currently on the market, here are the most bizarrely tasteless.Example: In these new book, he is still at bay, pursued by the hounds of desire and anxiety in a literary world ever more crass.Example: The Wizard, played by Joel Grey, is a smooth-talking dumbbell who admits he is 'a corn-fed hick' and 'one of your dime-a-dozen mediocrities'.Example: The police were roughshod while interrogating and arresting the two for suspicion of involvement in the fray.Example: He made a very boorish, embarassing, humiliating, inappropriate, caddish toast at their wedding.Example: The sections of a book were stapled to a coarse cloth backing, but unfortunately the staples soon rusted and became brittle.

Burdo synonyms

loose in spanish: suelto, pronunciation: lus part of speech: adjective, adverb open in spanish: abierto, pronunciation: oʊpən part of speech: adjective, verb common in spanish: común, pronunciation: kɑmən part of speech: adjective gross in spanish: bruto, pronunciation: groʊs part of speech: adjective, noun crude in spanish: crudo, pronunciation: krud part of speech: adjective, noun inferior in spanish: inferior, pronunciation: ɪnfɪriɜr part of speech: adjective vulgar in spanish: vulgar, pronunciation: vʌlgɜr part of speech: adjective gritty in spanish: arenoso, pronunciation: grɪti part of speech: adjective uncouth in spanish: tosco, pronunciation: ʌnkuθ part of speech: adjective granular in spanish: granular, pronunciation: grænjəlɜr part of speech: adjective mealy in spanish: harinoso, pronunciation: mili part of speech: adjective indecent in spanish: indecente, pronunciation: ɪndisənt part of speech: adjective earthy in spanish: terroso, pronunciation: ɜrθi part of speech: adjective sandy in spanish: arenoso, pronunciation: sændi part of speech: adjective farinaceous in spanish: farináceo, pronunciation: ferəneɪʃəs part of speech: adjective grainy in spanish: granoso, pronunciation: greɪni part of speech: adjective unrefined in spanish: sin refinar, pronunciation: ənrifaɪnd part of speech: adjective granulated in spanish: granulado, pronunciation: grænəleɪtɪd part of speech: adjective granulose in spanish: granulosa, pronunciation: grænəloʊz part of speech: adjective coarse-grained in spanish: de grano grueso, pronunciation: kɔrsgreɪnd part of speech: adjective
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