Bruñir in english


pronunciation: bɜrnɪʃ part of speech: verb, noun
In gestures

bruñir = burnish ; buff ; buff up. 

Example: Any mistakes could be scraped or burnished away, and the plate hammered flat again for re-engraving; the same method was used for emendation = Any mistakes could be scraped or burnished away, and the plate hammered flat again for re-engraving; the same method was used for emendation.Example: This is a naturally-occurring abrasive traditionally employed in buffing metal.Example: Let it dry for 15 minutes then buff it up with a soft brush or a soft rag.

Bruñir synonyms

flush in spanish: rubor, pronunciation: flʌʃ part of speech: noun, adjective, verb buff in spanish: pulir, pronunciation: bʌf part of speech: noun, adjective polish in spanish: polaco, pronunciation: pɑlɪʃ part of speech: adjective, noun gloss in spanish: brillo, pronunciation: glɔs part of speech: noun furbish in spanish: renovarse, pronunciation: fɜrbɪʃ part of speech: verb glossiness in spanish: brillo, pronunciation: glɔsinəs part of speech: noun
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