Brutalidad in english


pronunciation: brutæləti part of speech: noun
In gestures

brutalidad = brutality ; savagery ; brutishness. 

Example: Nazi ideas and brutality were evident to all even at the time, as was the fact that they were rising to power.Example: Is there any ambiguity in this phrase which can excuse the ALA's failure to defend Cuba's independent libraries from the savagery being inflicted upon them?.Example: Since the end of his life there has been speculation that a mental illness contributed to Stalin's brutishness.

Brutalidad synonyms

barbarism in spanish: barbarie, pronunciation: bɑrbɜrɪzəm part of speech: noun savagery in spanish: salvajismo, pronunciation: sævɪdʒeri part of speech: noun barbarity in spanish: barbarie, pronunciation: bɑrbærəti part of speech: noun viciousness in spanish: crueldad, pronunciation: vɪʃəsnɪs part of speech: noun ferociousness in spanish: ferocidad, pronunciation: fɜroʊʃəsnəs part of speech: noun savageness in spanish: salvajismo, pronunciation: sævədʒnəs part of speech: noun
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