Bruscamente in english


pronunciation: ʃɑrpli part of speech: adverb
In gestures

bruscamente = rudely ; brusquely ; bluntly ; abruptly ; gruffly. 

Example: Her feeling of well-being was soon rudely shattered.Example: 'Hello, Preston,' he began brusquely, 'Lisa has been consistently late, she's usually behind in her work, and she's been absent 5 days out of 20'.Example: In comparison with adult literature, South African children's literature presents issues more bluntly and also explores themes barely touched on in adult fiction.Example: Plantin, who may have owned as many as 22 or 23 presses in the middle of his career, abruptly reduced the number in use to 3 in 1576.Example: The cabin attendant shook her head mournfully and gruffly handed me a chickpea salad, bread roll and fruit salad.


» contestar bruscamentesnap backsnap at .

Example: French President Nicolas Sarkozy has snapped back at rumours over his private life by describing them as 'lunatic ravings'.

Example: She starts to pout when she doesn't get her way, stomping off, giving everyone the silent treatment, snapping at people.

» detener bruscamentehalt + in full flight .

Example: I shall not quickly forget being halted in full flight during a visit to a college to speak to student teachers by the explosive entrance of a lecturer.

» girar gruscamenteswerve .

Example: Tomás Hernández drove cautiously in the torrential rain, trying not to swerve on the slick pavement of the turnpike.

» responder bruscamentesnap backsnap at .

Example: French President Nicolas Sarkozy has snapped back at rumours over his private life by describing them as 'lunatic ravings'.

Example: She starts to pout when she doesn't get her way, stomping off, giving everyone the silent treatment, snapping at people.

» virar bruscamenteswerve .

Example: Tomás Hernández drove cautiously in the torrential rain, trying not to swerve on the slick pavement of the turnpike.

Bruscamente synonyms

sharp in spanish: agudo, pronunciation: ʃɑrp part of speech: adjective aggressively in spanish: agresivamente, pronunciation: əgresɪvli part of speech: adverb precipitously in spanish: precipitadamente, pronunciation: prisɪpɪtəsli part of speech: adverb crisply in spanish: crujiente, pronunciation: krɪspli part of speech: adverb
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