Bronce in english


pronunciation: brɑnz part of speech: noun, adjective
In gestures

bronce = brass ; bronze. 

Example: The system cannot interpret 'bronce' because it cannot recognize that it is not dealing with screw weight or color.Example: Her contributions to the profession were recognized by her receipt of the EPA bronze Medal for Commendable Service in 1973.


» aniversario de broncebronze anniversary .

Example: Now, what do you get a fellow who has everything for his bronze anniversary?.

» bodas de broncebronze wedding anniversary .

Example: The events described above happened on the day my wife and I celebrated our bronze wedding anniversary.

» de broncebrass .

Example: Embedded in the head was a brass nut, and in the nut worked the spindle, a steel bar 60cm. long, of which the top 13 cm. were cut as a screw.

» de color de broncebrassy .

Example: Located in an isolated section of the Southwest, Los Pasos sits under the brassy sun on a wide plain below a low range of hills.

» edad de bronce, laBronze Age, the .

Example: The Bronze Age marks the time at which smiths became metallurgists, makers of magic, heroes, and gods.

» ganador de la medalla de broncebronze medalist .

Example: Debi Thomas was a bronze medalist, not gold, in figure skating.

» medalla de broncebronze medal .

Example: Gold, silver and bronze medals were first awarded at the London games in 1908.

» medallista de broncebronze medalist .

Example: Debi Thomas was a bronze medalist, not gold, in figure skating.

» objeto de broncebronze .

Example: Exhibits consisted of bronzes of Tibetan deities and famous Lamas, and ritual objects such as mirrors, flasks, fly whisks, and seals.

» objetos de broncebrassware  .

Example: Whether making shoes, carpets, brassware, textiles or as prostitutes, children play a crucial part in many economies and in much international trade.

Bronce synonyms

tan in spanish: bronceado, pronunciation: tæn part of speech: noun, adjective colored in spanish: de colores, pronunciation: kʌlɜrd part of speech: adjective metallic in spanish: metálico, pronunciation: mətælɪk part of speech: adjective chromatic in spanish: cromático, pronunciation: kroʊmætɪk part of speech: adjective bronzy in spanish: bronzy, pronunciation: brɑnzi part of speech: adjective
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