Bromuro in english


pronunciation: broʊmaɪd part of speech: noun
In gestures

bromuro = bromide. 

Example: Rates of nitrification were determined from changes in nitrate and nitrite concentration relative to bromide.


» bromuro de metilomethyl bromide .

Example: Methyl bromide has been phased-out in industrialized countries because of international regulatory measures designed to reduce substances that potentially deplete the stratospheric ozone layer.

Bromuro synonyms

platitude in spanish: tópico, pronunciation: plætɪtud part of speech: noun cliche in spanish: cliché, pronunciation: kliʃeɪ part of speech: noun commonplace in spanish: vulgar, pronunciation: kɑmənpleɪs part of speech: adjective, noun banality in spanish: banalidad, pronunciation: bənælɪti part of speech: noun
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