Brindar in english


pronunciation: ɔfɜr part of speech: verb, noun
In gestures

brindar1 = raise + Posesivo + glass ; toast. 

Example: And when the New Year celebrations were in full swing at the moment Britain entered the Community, how many people remember raising their glasses to Europe?.Example: Mr Luo Gan and Robert Wedgeworth toasted the success of the IFLA Conference.


» brindar portoastdrink + a toast to .

Example: Mr Luo Gan and Robert Wedgeworth toasted the success of the IFLA Conference.

Example: The chorus goes: 'We drank a toast to innocence, we drank a toast to now and tried to reach beyond the emptiness but neither one knew how'.

» brindar por la salud de Alguiendrink to + Posesivo + health .

Example: This evolved into the tradition of visiting neighbors on Christmas Eve and drinking to their health.

» canción para brindardrinking song [Canción compuesta para acompañar la bebida y brindar y que en el siglo diecinueve se cantaba en las operetas] .

Example: The author outline of the history of circus music and drinking songs in the US, accompanied by a bibliography.

brindar2 = provide ; offer. 

Example: To start with, most catalogues, indexes, data bases and bibliographies provide access to information or documents.Example: Thus some current awareness services can be purchased from external vendors, whilst others may be offered by a library or information unit to its particular group of users.


» brindar ayudahelpprovide + assistancehelp out .

Example: How can we help library users to gain confidence?.

Example: Its purpose is to provide advice and on-site salvage assistance to those organisations having documentary resources that are damaged in a natural or man-made disaster.

Example: Give them a holler and I'm sure they will help out.

» brindar una soluciónoffer + a solution .

Example: For exhibition purposes, rigid acrylic (perspex) book cradles offer the best solution.

Brindar synonyms

bid in spanish: oferta, pronunciation: bɪd part of speech: noun, verb go in spanish: ir, pronunciation: goʊ part of speech: verb pass in spanish: pasar, pronunciation: pæs part of speech: verb, noun fling in spanish: arrojar, pronunciation: flɪŋ part of speech: verb, noun provide in spanish: proporcionar, pronunciation: prəvaɪd part of speech: verb tender in spanish: oferta, pronunciation: tendɜr part of speech: noun, adjective crack in spanish: grieta, pronunciation: kræk part of speech: noun, verb extend in spanish: ampliar, pronunciation: ɪkstend part of speech: verb propose in spanish: proponer, pronunciation: prəpoʊz part of speech: verb volunteer in spanish: voluntario, pronunciation: vɑləntɪr part of speech: noun, verb proffer in spanish: oferta, pronunciation: prɑfɜr part of speech: verb, noun offering in spanish: ofrecimiento, pronunciation: ɔfɜrɪŋ part of speech: noun put up in spanish: Hospedarse, pronunciation: pʊtʌp part of speech: verb whirl in spanish: giro, pronunciation: wɜrl part of speech: noun, verb offer up in spanish: ofrecer, pronunciation: ɔfɜrʌp part of speech: verb pop the question in spanish: hacer la pregunta, pronunciation: pɑpðəkwestʃən part of speech: verb propose marriage in spanish: proponer matrimonio, pronunciation: prəpoʊzmerɪdʒ
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