Brea in english


pronunciation: pɪtʃ part of speech: noun
In gestures

brea = pitch ; tar. 

Example: The heading PITCH (Bitumen) illustrates how to qualify a word by another in parenthesis to clarify the meaning = The heading PITCH (Bitumen) illustrates how to qualify a word by another in parenthesis to clarify the meaning.Example: The colour for the black ink was a lampblack obtained by condensing the smoke of burning resin, which was then calcified by heating to remove residual tars which might also have been a cause of staining and discoloration, and finally ground to an extremely fine powder.


» embadurnar con breatar .

Example: He helped Craig repair it by tarring the bottom of the hull.

» emplumar con breatar and feather [Práctica obsoleta para castigar y humillar a alguien en frente de todos] .

Example: On Sunday evening, an alleged drug dealer was tarred and feathered in a Belfast street as passers-by looked on.

» impermeabilizar con breatar .

Example: He helped Craig repair it by tarring the bottom of the hull.

Brea synonyms

gear in spanish: engranaje, pronunciation: gɪr part of speech: noun shift in spanish: cambio, pronunciation: ʃɪft part of speech: noun, verb hawk in spanish: halcón, pronunciation: hɔk part of speech: noun rake in spanish: rastrillo, pronunciation: reɪk part of speech: noun flip in spanish: dar la vuelta, pronunciation: flɪp part of speech: noun, adjective, verb cant in spanish: hipocresía, pronunciation: kænt part of speech: noun sky in spanish: cielo, pronunciation: skaɪ part of speech: noun delivery in spanish: entrega, pronunciation: dɪlɪvɜri part of speech: noun lurch in spanish: estacada, pronunciation: lɜrtʃ part of speech: noun, verb tilt in spanish: inclinación, pronunciation: tɪlt part of speech: noun, verb slope in spanish: cuesta abajo, pronunciation: sloʊp part of speech: noun toss in spanish: sacudida, pronunciation: tɔs part of speech: verb, noun tar in spanish: alquitrán, pronunciation: tɑr part of speech: noun incline in spanish: inclinación, pronunciation: ɪnklaɪn part of speech: noun, verb set up in spanish: preparar, pronunciation: setʌp part of speech: verb, adjective monger in spanish: traficante en dinero, pronunciation: mʌŋgɜr part of speech: noun peddle in spanish: difundir, pronunciation: pedəl part of speech: verb huckster in spanish: mercachifle, pronunciation: hʌkstɜr part of speech: noun vend in spanish: vender, pronunciation: vend part of speech: verb pitching in spanish: cabeceo, pronunciation: pɪtʃɪŋ part of speech: noun sales pitch in spanish: Tono de venta, pronunciation: seɪlzpɪtʃ part of speech: noun auction pitch in spanish: pitch de subasta, pronunciation: ɑkʃənpɪtʃ part of speech: noun cant over in spanish: no puede más, pronunciation: kæntoʊvɜr part of speech: verb pitch shot in spanish: tiro de lanzamiento, pronunciation: pɪtʃʃɑt part of speech: noun sales talk in spanish: Charla de ventas, pronunciation: seɪlztɔk part of speech: noun
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