Bobo in english
pronunciation: ful part of speech: noun
pronunciation: ful part of speech: noun
In gestures

bobo = daft ; fool ; simpleton ; goofy ; witless ; simp ; deadhead ; nincompoop ; dumbbell ; ditzy ; ditz ; dits ; ditsy ; half-soaked ; airhead ; airheaded ; drongo ; dweeb ; sucker ; wally ; booby ; half-wit ; josser ; ninny ; silly billy ; dopey ; tomfool.
Example: Ranking among the dafter exercises sometimes imposed on children is the one that requires them to describe a screwdriver or a vase or the desks they sit at, or any familiar object.Example: A chapter each is devoted to the comic hero, comedian, humorist, rogue, trickster, clown, fool, underdog, and simpleton.Example: A chapter each is devoted to the comic hero, comedian, humorist, rogue, trickster, clown, fool, underdog, and simpleton.Example: The article 'Book pricing: economics of a goofy business' examines briefly the economics of the book publishing process from the viewpoint of the book wholesaler.Example: She refutes the idea of the women's magazine as a 'mouthpiece of masculine interest, of patriarchy and commercialism' that preyed on 'passive, dependent, and witless' women readers.Example: This collection of videos pays tribute to nincompoops, deadheads and simps: people who walk into sliding glass doors and out of public restrooms with toilet paper trailing from one of their shoes.Example: This collection of videos pays tribute to nincompoops, deadheads and simps: people who walk into sliding glass doors and out of public restrooms with toilet paper trailing from one of their shoes.Example: This collection of videos pays tribute to nincompoops, deadheads and simps: people who walk into sliding glass doors and out of public restrooms with toilet paper trailing from one of their shoes.Example: The Wizard, played by Joel Grey, is a smooth-talking dumbbell who admits he is 'a corn-fed hick' and 'one of your dime-a-dozen mediocrities'.Example: She might be a ditz, you can do that with the money she makes, if she wasn't so rich she'd be just another ditzy broad.Example: She might be a ditz, you can do that with the money she makes, if she wasn't so rich she'd be just another ditzy broad.Example: But then again, there are thousands of such ditses out there that need mental help.Example: If there is a stereo type for ditsy blondes she really has gone out of her way to fit it perfectly.Example: Three half-soaked security guards sat around a desk at the main entrance letting through more than they checked.Example: Some people like airheads with fake boobs.Example: She's just an airheaded bimbo, with an endless capacity to push aside unpleasant realities in favor of her more satisfying interests: young men and jewels.Example: Now I know to you inteligent types this sounds a simple problem but to a drongo like me it is like quantum physics!!!.Example: For this reason, I will probably not vote in the London mayoral election at all and this doesn't make me a whinging negativist dweeb.Example: Americans are such suckers, being taken over by foreigners and their children and won't even put up a fight.Example: It's written in everyday language that even a wally like me can understand.Example: Why, one wonders, was such a booby entrusted with the fate of the British university system?.Example: Experts confirmed this week that the U.S. populace appears to have fallen under the spell of yet another pink-faced half-wit.Example: It is strange to me that some people can worship such a josser who holds such a contemptible hobby.Example: It's not my fault that the ninnies you hired were such yellow-bellies!.Example: Being such a silly billy I got quite emotional and shed a few tears as I had enjoyed them being with us so much.Example: He had a fever that damaged his hearing and made him a little wobbly and dopey, but otherwise he seemed totally healthy.Example: Your mate is some kind of epic tomfool to imprison himself in his own vehicle.more:
» como un bobo = stupidly .
Example: Intelligent individuals often think that they cannot behave stupidly, but that is precisely what leads them down the garden path.» hacer el bobo = faff (about/around) [Uso principalmente británico] ; dick about/around ; screw around ; fool around/about ; horse around/about ; clown around/about ; monkey around/about ; goof around/about ; lark around/about ; act + the goat .
Example: A new report says that we waste three hours a day faffing around, doing nothing in particular, pootling, dawdling, pottering, hanging about. Example: Sometimes the reason why we dick around is because there is too much stuff to do and it's difficult to focus. Example: But I've been screwing around for long enough; it's time to get back to work and earn some cash. Example: For those professional fools, the clowns, fooling around is serious business. Example: Angus has a lot of energy -- he is always horsing around with his foster brothers and sister. Example: Almost as if I were clowning around when more important things needed to be tended to. Example: The party is over but the monkeying around is just beginning. Example: Does any of your friends goof around and flash you their privates?. Example: This is me and some friends larking about while we were on holiday in Honicombe. Example: He was taking drink as a medication. He was not a just drunken fool, but he was acting the goat = Usaba el alcohol como medicación. No es que fuera un tonto borracho, sino que estaba haciendo el ganso.» ser un poco bobo = be soft in the head .
Example: One of the curses of being a well-known science-fiction writer is that unsophisticated people assume you to be soft in the head.» tortuga boba = loggerhead (sea) turtle .
Example: Loggerhead turtles are essentially carnivores, feeding primarily on crabs, horseshoe crabs, shrimp, jellyfish, and a variety of mollusks.