Baden in english


pronunciation: beɪdən part of speech: noun
In gestures

badén = speed bump ; sleeping policeman ; speed hump ; road hump ; road bump ; speed ramp. 

Example: The article 'The information highway: on ramps, checkpoints, speed bumps and tollbooths' offers a comprehensive snapshot of the current policy and practices regarding the dissemination of government information in electronic form.Example: Perhaps if the council used less money on laying the many many sleeping policeman on our roads, then there would be no need to increase our council and road tax each year.Example: Roundabouts and speed humps are forms of traffic calming which offer promise to curb speeding.Example: Road humps are placed only on residential streets with not more than two lanes and with a speed limit of 30 mph.Example: The road bumps may have contributed towards the crash.Example: Speed ramps must be one of the most vexing additions to our road network.
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