Bachiller in english


pronunciation: bætʃəlɜr part of speech: noun
In gestures

bachiller = high school education. 

Example: Those who now say we don't need standards, or that's a waste of time, remind me of those who say that high school education is no longer needed for all children.


» estudiante de bachiller que abandona los estudioshigh-school dropout .

Example: It is fair to assume that the average Joe/Jane is neither a college graduate nor a high-school dropout.

Bachiller synonyms

bach in spanish: llevar una vida de soltero, pronunciation: bɑk part of speech: noun bachelor-at-arms in spanish: soltero de armas, pronunciation: bætʃəlɔrəthɑrmz part of speech: noun knight bachelor in spanish: soltero caballero, pronunciation: naɪtbætʃəlɜr part of speech: noun unmarried man in spanish: hombre soltero, pronunciation: ənmeridmæn part of speech: noun
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