Anhelar in english


pronunciation: lɔŋ part of speech: adjective, adverb
In gestures

anhelar = itch for ; long (for) ; crave ; be more than ready for ; gag for ; covet ; pine ; lust (for/after/over) ; yearn (for) ; crave for ; hanker (for/after) ; have + a hankering for ; be itching to ; ache for ; set + Posesivo + heart on ; have + a hunger for. 

Example: It seems like he's itching for a change but doesn't know exactly the direction or directions to pursue in order to accomplish the change.Example: After you have chosen a story you long to tell, read it over and over and then analyse it.Example: Mayo maintained that workers are motivated by 'togetherness' and crave individual recognition within the group = Mayo maintained that workers are motivated by 'togetherness' and crave individual recognition within the group.Example: By the time the first Italian parliament was formed in 1861, Italy was more than ready for political union.Example: Ireland is gagging for affordable broadband, according to a survey of 1400 net users.Example: He coveted his brother's power and so started to spin a conspiracy in order to assassinate him and take his place both on the throne and on the wedding thalamus.Example: The 2.1 km trail is perfect for working up a thirst - just long enough to make you feel like you got a bit of exercise, but short enough that you aren't pining for very long.Example: These two women were Samaria and Jerusalem, lusting after foreigners and foreign ways, and abandoning their god for shallow and ephemeral pleasures.Example: Since time immemorial, people have yearned for an immediate way to capture living moments in a picture.Example: With all of the things that make up our daily grind, we often find ourselves craving for the next getaway, for the next relaxation period.Example: More than hankering after the past, I am worried about the future.Example: If you have a hankering for dill pickles, your body may be trying to do a better job of controlling your blood sugar and weight.Example: She was itching to give them a ringing good clip on the ear but she didn't because she thought their father was watching.Example: The conscious mind many times aches for, longs for and craves stability = The conscious mind many times aches for, longs for and craves stability.Example: The only woman among the 15 sailors being held hostage in Iran set her heart on a career at sea from an early age.Example: So I was a little different, I couldn't read until I was 15, I was dyslexic, I was bullied but I always had a hunger for success.


» anhelar admiracióncrave + admiration .

Example: She lacks confidence, she craves admiration insatiably -- she lives on the reflections of herself in the eyes of others.

» anhelar atencióncrave + attention .

Example: I want to know if anything is wrong with me -- I crave attention, positive or negative and have done for many years.

» anhelar serache to be .

Example: How she ached to be a poet and by some wizardry of pen capture the mysteries going on out there.

Anhelar synonyms

pine in spanish: pino, pronunciation: paɪn part of speech: noun tenacious in spanish: tenaz, pronunciation: təneɪʃəs part of speech: adjective perennial in spanish: perenne, pronunciation: pɜreniəl part of speech: adjective far in spanish: lejos, pronunciation: fɑr part of speech: adverb abundant in spanish: abundante, pronunciation: əbʌndənt part of speech: adjective languish in spanish: languidecer, pronunciation: læŋgwɪʃ part of speech: verb ache in spanish: dolor, pronunciation: eɪk part of speech: noun, verb longstanding in spanish: de larga data, pronunciation: lɔŋstændɪŋ part of speech: adjective eternal in spanish: eterno, pronunciation: ɪtɜrnəl part of speech: adjective protracted in spanish: prolongado, pronunciation: proʊtræktɪd part of speech: adjective sesquipedalian in spanish: larguísimo, pronunciation: seskwɪpɪdeɪliən part of speech: adjective yearn in spanish: añorar, pronunciation: jɜrn part of speech: verb tall in spanish: alto, pronunciation: tɔl part of speech: adjective lifelong in spanish: para toda la vida, pronunciation: laɪflɔŋ part of speech: adjective elongate in spanish: alargado, pronunciation: ɪlɔŋgeɪt part of speech: adjective longitudinal in spanish: longitudinal, pronunciation: lɑndʒətudənəl part of speech: adjective interminable in spanish: interminable, pronunciation: ɪntɜrmənəbəl part of speech: adjective durable in spanish: durable, pronunciation: dʊrəbəl part of speech: adjective prolonged in spanish: prolongado, pronunciation: prəlɔŋd part of speech: adjective oblong in spanish: oblongo, pronunciation: ɑblɔŋ part of speech: adjective yen in spanish: yen, pronunciation: jen part of speech: noun overnight in spanish: durante la noche, pronunciation: oʊvɜrnaɪt part of speech: adverb, adjective long-term in spanish: a largo plazo, pronunciation: lɔŋtɜrm part of speech: adjective extended in spanish: extendido, pronunciation: ɪkstendəd part of speech: adjective longer in spanish: más, pronunciation: lɔŋgɜr part of speech: adverb, adjective endless in spanish: interminable, pronunciation: endləs part of speech: adjective lengthy in spanish: largo, pronunciation: leŋθi part of speech: adjective stressed in spanish: estresado, pronunciation: strest part of speech: adjective lank in spanish: alto y delgado, pronunciation: læŋk part of speech: adjective lasting in spanish: perdurable, pronunciation: læstɪŋ part of speech: adjective provident in spanish: providente, pronunciation: prɑvɪdənt part of speech: adjective hanker in spanish: anhelar, pronunciation: hæŋkɜr part of speech: verb elongated in spanish: alargado, pronunciation: ɪlɔŋgeɪtəd part of speech: adjective yearlong in spanish: anual, pronunciation: jɪrlɔŋ part of speech: adjective long-lasting in spanish: duradero, pronunciation: lɔŋlæstɪŋ part of speech: adjective unsound in spanish: defectuoso, pronunciation: ənsaʊnd part of speech: adjective daylong in spanish: todo el día, pronunciation: deɪlɔŋ part of speech: adjective retentive in spanish: retentivo, pronunciation: ritentɪv part of speech: adjective drawn-out in spanish: Sacado, pronunciation: drɔnaʊt part of speech: adjective farsighted in spanish: hipermétrope, pronunciation: fɑrsaɪtəd part of speech: adjective foresighted in spanish: anticipado, pronunciation: fɔrsaɪtɪd part of speech: adjective agelong in spanish: de una vez, pronunciation: ædʒəlɔŋ part of speech: adjective extendable in spanish: extensible, pronunciation: ekstendəbəl part of speech: adjective polysyllabic in spanish: polisílabo, pronunciation: pɑlisɪlæbɪk part of speech: adjective longest in spanish: más largo, pronunciation: lɔŋgəst part of speech: adjective extendible in spanish: extensible, pronunciation: ekstendɪbəl part of speech: adjective long-range in spanish: de largo alcance, pronunciation: lɔŋreɪndʒ part of speech: adjective farseeing in spanish: desvanecimiento, pronunciation: fɑrsiɪŋ part of speech: adjective lengthened in spanish: alargado, pronunciation: leŋθənd part of speech: adjective long-lived in spanish: de larga vida, pronunciation: lɔŋlɪvd part of speech: adjective long-distance in spanish: larga distancia, pronunciation: lɔŋdistəns part of speech: noun, adjective nightlong in spanish: larga noche, pronunciation: naɪtlɔŋ part of speech: adjective foresightful in spanish: previsor, pronunciation: fɔrsaɪtfəl part of speech: adjective long-run in spanish: largo plazo, pronunciation: lɔŋrʌn part of speech: adjective longish in spanish: bastante largo, pronunciation: lɔŋɪʃ part of speech: adjective bimestrial in spanish: bimestre, pronunciation: baɪmestriəl part of speech: adjective semipermanent in spanish: semi-permanente, pronunciation: semipɜrmənənt part of speech: adjective longsighted in spanish: miope, pronunciation: lɔŋsaɪtɪd part of speech: adjective long-dated in spanish: de larga data, pronunciation: lɔŋdeɪtɪd part of speech: adjective womb-to-tomb in spanish: tumba a tumba, pronunciation: wɑmbtutɑm part of speech: adjective long-acting in spanish: Actuacion larga, pronunciation: lɔŋhæktɪŋ part of speech: adjective
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