Agente in english
pronunciation: eɪdʒənt part of speech: noun

agente = agent ; instrumentality ; officer ; broker ; enforcer.
Example: These forms usually provide space for the user or his agent to enter the relevant information.Example: But there are signs of a change as new and powerful instrumentalities come into use.Example: All officers were remorseful about taking a life but all would make the same decision again if necessary.Example: Above all, the information manager is a resource manager as well as a kind of broker between increasingly complex information technology and managers/users.Example: They merely act as a conduit of state funds rather than an enforcer of the rules meant to guarantee the lawful use of those funds.more:
» agente aglutinante = binder ; bonding agent .
Example: Puddings are foods that are presented in a solid mass formed by the mixing of various ingredients with a binder, which might include batter, blood, eggs, etc. Example: An oxygen molecule is a small dumbbell less than a nanometer across: two oxygen atoms with two electrons flying between acting as the bonding agent.» agente antiaglutinante = anti-caking agent .
Example: Garlic salt is a flavored salt used as food seasoning made of a mixture of garlic powder and table salt with an anti-caking agent.» agente antiapelmazante = anti-caking agent .
Example: Garlic salt is a flavored salt used as food seasoning made of a mixture of garlic powder and table salt with an anti-caking agent.» agente artístico = booking agent ; booker .
Example: Booking agents need to get their hands dirty to fully understand how the business works. Example: She arrived in floods of tears, having been told nonchalantly by her booker to 'skip a few meals' in the run-up to London Fashion Week if she wanted to work.» agente bacteriostático = bacteriostat ; bacteriostat agent .
Example: A bacteriostat is a biological or chemical agent that causes bacteriostasis = Un agente bacteriostático es un agente químico o biológico que causa la bacteriostasis. Example: Bacteriostatic agents must work with the immune system to remove the microorganisms from the body.» agente bibliotecario = library agent [Representante de una empresa, editorial, etc, a través del cual la biblioteca puede comprar mobiliario, libros, etc] .
Example: Italian university libraries are experimenting with a new procedure of direct acquisition of bibliographic materials at home and abroad, without using a library agent as intermediary.» agente biológico = biological agent .
Example: Some of the major causes affecting libraries are: fire, weather, earthquakes, and biological agents.» agente blanqueador = bleaching agent .
Example: Most teeth whitening kits work using a bleaching agent, normally containing peroxide.» agente cancerígeno = carcinogen .
Example: Evaluation of information covering all aspects of cancer development is necessary to provide regulations for personal exposure to carcinogens = La evaluación de la información relativa a todos los aspectos relacionados con el desarrollo del cáncer es necesaria para crear una normativa para el personal que está expuesto a los agentes cancerígenos.» agente comercial = commercial vendor .
Example: Commercial vendors are completely outside conventional library systems, and might cream off the profitable end of the document supply market.» agente de absorción = absorber .
Example: The use of oxygen absorbers in food preservation is increasing every day.» agente de bolsa = stockbroker ; market trader ; stock market trader ; share market trader .
Example: At present, the library board consists of: a housewife, who is serving as chairwoman, a stockbroker, a retired head of the health department, an owner of a hardware store, and an attorney = En la actualidad, la comisión de biblioteca consta de un ama de casa, que actúa de presidenta, un agente de bolsa, un director del departamento de sanidad jubilado, el propietario de una ferretería y un abogado. Example: According to market traders, Indian shares lost steam midway, after rallying on overnight news that interest rates would be slashed to historic lows = Según los agentes de bolsa, las acciones de la India perdieron parte de su fuerza, después de recuperarse de las noticias que se dieron durante la noche de que las tasas de interés se iban a reducir a mínimos históricos. Example: In fact it is these stock market traders who raise the fund for the businesses by investing in the stocks. Example: Due to the devastating drop in stock prices and a slump in the share market, share market traders predict a sharp drop in the sale of gold.» agente de búsqueda = intelligent search agent [En Internet, programa que le permite a un usuario buscar información en las redes] ; search agent [En Internet, programa que le permite a un usuario buscar información en las redes] .
Example: The author reviews the range of software designed to act as intelligent search agents to assist users find materials of interest in the Internet. Example: Search agents could be used for monitoring the World Wide Web, or searching newspapers.» agente de fermentación = leavening agent ; leavening ; raising agent .
Example: Self-raising flour contains a leavening agent, sodium bicarbonate. Example: Self-rising flour is all-purpose flour with added salt and leavening (baking powder). Example: Self-raising flour is plain flour with raising agents added.» agente del cambio = change agent .
Example: One of the most significant change agents that will pervade all other trends is the establishment and regular use of high-speed, fiber optic communication highways.» agente de(l) cambio = agent of/for change ; force for change ; force of change ; game-changer .
Example: Geoffrey Burke urged librarians to see themselves as agents of change by promoting multicultural attitudes. Example: Until very recently, fishing communities have sustained themselves through their reliance upon the sea, in the context of cultures that have resisted outside forces of change. Example: The author explores the powerful forces of change which encourage a transition from a print to an electronic environment. Example: There is a new wave of renewable energy innovation which could be a game-changer for clean energy production.» agente del gobierno = government operative .
Example: Around the time of her death, Murphy was afraid to be in her own house because she was under surveillance by government operatives who tapped her phone.» agente del orden = law enforcement officer ; law-enforcement official ; law enforcer ; law officer ; officer of the law ; lawman .
Example: The librarian must establish a close relationship with law enforcement officers to insure maximum cooperation when dealing with problem patrons. Example: It's my understanding of the Fourth Amendment that people and their possessions can't be searched unless law-enforcement officials have information that they've committed a crime. Example: Representative job titles are commercial artist, computer operator, dental hygienist, wildlife manager, flight attendant, law enforcer, meteorologist, optometrist, and tuner. Example: Law officers say they need help stemming the rampant theft of copper from air conditioning units and farm irrigation systems. Example: But, far more than that, we must always remember that you are officers of the law in a great democratic nation which owes its birth to the indignation of its citizen. Example: One of the most famous lawman of all time, Wyatt Earp was also an accomplished gunslinger who was greatly feared by the outlaws of the era.» agente de noticias web = newsbot .
Example: It employs a 'dynamic Web database' using agent technology or 'newsbots' to scour any Web-based source for content.» agente de policía = bobby [Termino cariñoso utilizado en inglés británico] ; cop ; police officer .
Example: The friendly-sounding British bobbies, created in 1829, were the first professional police force, copied by cities around the world. Example: Playground games show that children like a clear differentiation between cowboys, cops and spacemen who are good, and Indians, robbers and space monsters who are bad. Example: This paper considers the lawsuit brought against a police officer in the Kent Constabulary, UK, who worked in his spare time for a debt collection agency and used the Police National Computer to retrieve information concerning the owner of a motor vehicle.» agente depresivo = downer ; depressant .
Example: Financial crime in the press is seen as a downer in the market and therefore not encouraged. Example: Beverage alcohol (ethanol) is a depressant that has important pharmacological and biochemical effects on the brain and the central nervous system.» agente de seguros = insurance agent ; insurer ; insurance broker .
Example: The task would have been easier if booksellers had been as vigorous in their business as grocers and insurance agents in theirs. Example: Naturally the division maintains close contact with the insurance industry through the British insurers' European Committee. Example: An insurance broker presents an update on some important insurance issues affecting toy libraries in the UK.» agente de tráfico = traffic police officer ; traffic police(man/woman) .
Example: Two men going about as traffic police officers are being investigated by the force after they extorted money from a driver. Example: In three days, the traffic police have already recommended cancellation of licences of 15 bikers guilty of traffic violations.» agente de viajes = travel agent .
Example: It is impossible for a travel agent to keep track of all the offered tour packages.» agente doble = double agent .
Example: Ken talked his way out of it by revealing he was in fact also a double agent.» agente estresante = stressor .
Example: Both role stressors were found to correlate positively with burnout.» agente extranjero = foreign agent .
Example: I am sure I am being spied upon by foreign agents.» agente federal = federal agent .
Example: Efforts to train thousands of federal agents to protect commercial flights during heightened terror alerts have been abandoned.» agente furtivo = infiltrator .
Example: We librarians are already infiltrators into the stale round of our readers' domestic daily life.» agente informático = software agent .
Example: A software agent named SiteHelper is designed to act as a housekeeper for the Web server and as a helper for a Web user tofind relevant information at a particular site.» agente inmobiliario = realtor .
Example: 'Client' has overtones of shifty lawyers and overpaid realtors.» agente innovador = game-changer .
Example: There is a new wave of renewable energy innovation which could be a game-changer for clean energy production.» agente inteligente = intelligent agent [En Internet, programa que le permite a un usuario buscar información en las redes] ; mining agent ; intelligent search agent [En Internet, programa que le permite a un usuario buscar información en las redes] ; search agent [En Internet, programa que le permite a un usuario buscar información en las redes] .
Example: Intelligent agents are specialized software designed to search through electronic mail and databases, and scan networks for interesting pieces of news and information on behalf of a single searcher. Example: The article is entitled 'Complementing search engines with online web mining agents'. Example: The author reviews the range of software designed to act as intelligent search agents to assist users find materials of interest in the Internet. Example: Search agents could be used for monitoring the World Wide Web, or searching newspapers.» agente inteligente de compras = shopping agent .
Example: Shopping agents are intelligent agents that do shopping.» agente irritante = irritant ; allergen .
Example: Common factors affecting the quality of air in libraries include scents and other controllable irritants, dust mites, moulds and other inhaled substances associated with paper and books. Example: This is a semi-humorous account of how an on-line search for allergens of the common house mite led to false drops caused by truncating the term Dermatophagoides.» Agente Naranja = Agent Orange .
Example: Vietnam welcomes any research project aimed at detoxicating, diagnosing and treating Agent Orange victims.» agente neutralizador = neutralising agent .
Example: In the diethyl zinc process damp is drawn from paper and a neutralising agent applied.» agente oxidante = oxidant ; oxidising agent .
Example: Vitamin E protected cells from death induced by low doses of oxidants. Example: The two different oxidizing agents used in this study were ozone and chlorine dioxide.» agente pacificador = peace broker .
Example: On Friday, she took part in a panel discussion about the way in which sport can be used as a peace broker -- and which challenges exist in practice.» agente patógeno = pathogen .
Example: HYPP contains systematically structured information on 582 weeds, 318 pests and 230 pathogens in an easy to use user interface.» agente precipitante = precipitant .
Example: Salts are by far the most common precipitant used to crystallise macromolecules.» agente provocador = agent-provocateur .
Example: They are organizing destabilization, spreading lies about repression, serving as paid informants and paid agent-provocateurs.» agente quelante = chelator ; chelant ; chelating agent .
Example: Chelators can be used to detoxify heavy metals in the body, and are most commonly prescribed for lead, mercury or arsenic poisoning. Example: A chelant, sometimes referred to as a sequestrant, is a specialized molecule designed to bind to positively charged metal ions, most commonly calcium and magnesium. Example: A chelate is a chemical compound composed of a metal ion and a chelating agent.» agente químico = chemical agent .
Example: From the skimming he had given their writings he knew that something like a chemical agent was working in Balzac's defenseless mind, and that the hapless fellow was trying not to succumb to it.» agente reactivo = reagent .
Example: Since syntheses involve reactions between specific functional groups, it is reasonable to sort reagents by these groups.» agente secador = drying agent .
Example: Water-based paint dries purely by evaporation, while oil-based paint has a chemical drying agent added.» agente secreto = undercover agent ; secret agent .
Example: During the one-day trials of the arrested dissidents four independent librarians testified for the prosecution, revealing themselves to be undercover agents. Example: He used the University as his recruiting ground to enlist bright, patriotic young men to serve as secret agents.» agente secuestrante = chelator ; chelant ; sequestrant .
Example: Chelators can be used to detoxify heavy metals in the body, and are most commonly prescribed for lead, mercury or arsenic poisoning. Example: A chelant, sometimes referred to as a sequestrant, is a specialized molecule designed to bind to positively charged metal ions, most commonly calcium and magnesium. Example: A chelant, sometimes referred to as a sequestrant, is a specialized molecule designed to bind to positively charged metal ions, most commonly calcium and magnesium.» agente seleccionador = selecting agent .
Example: In biology, a selecting agent is a trait that gives a species an advantage in natural selection.» agentes federales, los = feds, the .
Example: As Hartwick got older, the feds decided he was a major security risk and booted him out of the program.» doble agente = double agent .
Example: Ken talked his way out of it by revealing he was in fact also a double agent.» hacerse agente secreto = go + undercover .
Example: He went undercover for the Library of Congress to obtain forbidden maps, books and documents essential for victory in Europe.» terapia con (agentes) quelantes = chelation therapy ; chelation .
Example: Except as a treatment for lead poisoning, chelation therapy is controversial and unproved. Example: Though there may be reasonable rationales for each of these therapies, scientific evidence is lacking, and chelation should only be administered for research purposes.