Acelerador in english


pronunciation: θrɑtəl part of speech: noun
In gestures

acelerador1 = throttle ; gas pedal ; accelerator pedal ; accelerator. 

Example: When the runway was reachable, I reduced the throttle slightly and started a nice glide to the airport.Example: Unfortunately, the gas pedal is wired to override the brake pedal in most vehicles.Example: Like almost all modern cars, the accelerator pedal is not physically connected to the throttle.Example: The issue of sticking accelerators in Toyota cars is a nightmare for Toyota but a possible dream for savvy used car buyers.


» pedal del aceleradorgas pedalaccelerator pedal .

Example: Unfortunately, the gas pedal is wired to override the brake pedal in most vehicles.

Example: Like almost all modern cars, the accelerator pedal is not physically connected to the throttle.

» pisar el aceleradorstep on + the gas pedalstep on + the gas .

Example: Older females are more likely than people in other demographic groups to cause accidents by mistakenly stepping on the gas pedal instead of the brake.

Example: When you step on the gas pedal, the throttle valve opens up more, letting in more air.

» pisar el acelerador a fondospeed offfloor + the acelerador (pedal)floor + the gas pedalstep on it .

Example: When police tried to stop her, she sped off through a built-up area and jumped a red traffic light, despite her children telling her to stop.

Example: The long, open straight where we can floor the accelerator pedal is becoming an exotic rarity.

Example: When I floor the gas pedal, the engine revs up like you would expect, but the truck slows down, almost like the engine isn't powering the wheels.

Example: To his dismay, the taxi driver upon being asked to step on it, complied, even if it was against the law.

» pisar el pedal del aceleradorstep on + the gas pedal .

Example: Older females are more likely than people in other demographic groups to cause accidents by mistakenly stepping on the gas pedal instead of the brake.

acelerador2 = accelerator. 

Example: Considerable amount of work in this emerging area is now being done in our country by using accelerators of different types in different laboratories.


» acelerador de partículasparticle accelerator .

Example: Take for example the subject 'particle accelerators'; the schedule for these used 621.384.61 and .62.

» acelerador de partículas atómicasatomic particle accelerator .

Example: Scientific equipment for the examination of rare books, manuscripts, and documents include the atomic particle accelerator; electron microscopy; photographic cameras, and ultraviolet lamps.

Acelerador synonyms

gun in spanish: pistola, pronunciation: gʌn part of speech: noun bound in spanish: Unido, pronunciation: baʊnd part of speech: verb, adjective gas in spanish: gas, pronunciation: gæs part of speech: noun limit in spanish: límite, pronunciation: lɪmət part of speech: noun, verb choke in spanish: ahogo, pronunciation: tʃoʊk part of speech: verb restrain in spanish: contener, pronunciation: ristreɪn part of speech: verb confine in spanish: confinar, pronunciation: kənfaɪn part of speech: verb accelerator in spanish: acelerador, pronunciation: ækselɜreɪtɜr part of speech: noun restrict in spanish: restringir, pronunciation: ristrɪkt part of speech: verb trammel in spanish: traba, pronunciation: træməl part of speech: noun, verb strangle in spanish: estrangular, pronunciation: stræŋgəl part of speech: verb strangulate in spanish: estrangular, pronunciation: stræŋgjəleɪt part of speech: verb accelerator pedal in spanish: pedal acelerador, pronunciation: ækselɜreɪtɜrpedəl part of speech: noun gas pedal in spanish: acelerador, pronunciation: gæspedəl part of speech: noun throttle valve in spanish: la válvula del acelerador, pronunciation: θrɑtəlvælv part of speech: noun
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