Accidentalmente in english


pronunciation: æksədentəli part of speech: adverb
In gestures

accidentalmente = inadvertently ; accidentally ; unintentionally ; by accident. 

Example: Use this operator carefully -- you may inadvertently eliminate relevant records.Example: As has been suggested elsewhere in this book, it is axiomatic that regular backup copies of data disks be taken, in order to ensure that data are not accidentally lost.Example: The Hawthorne effect, ie the well-established fact that individuals who know that they are being observed usually change their patterns of behaviour, even unintentionally, will obviously come into play if the observation is obtrusive.Example: Discoveries are sometimes made by accident; they are never made by the dismayed or disheartened = Discoveries are sometimes made by accident; they are never made by the dismayed or disheartened.


» caérsele Algo a Alguien (al suelo) accidentalmentedrop + Nombre + by accidentdrop + Nombre + accidentally .

Example: They dropped it by accident and it broke in two.

Example: If I take it back to the shop and say I dropped it accidentally, how likely are they to say they'll send it off for repair with no charge?.

» caerse al suelo accidentalmentedrop + Nombre + to/on(to) the floor [Las posibilidades son drop + Nombre + to the floor o drop + Nombre + on the floor o drop + Nombre + onto the floor] .

Example: Stopping at the lectern to say thanks, he then walked to center stage, took off his tie and coat, and dropped them to the floor.

» caérsele Algo a Alguien (al suelo) accidentalmentedrop + Nombre + by accidentdrop + Nombre + accidentally .

Example: They dropped it by accident and it broke in two.

Example: If I take it back to the shop and say I dropped it accidentally, how likely are they to say they'll send it off for repair with no charge?.

Accidentalmente synonyms

incidentally in spanish: de paso, pronunciation: ɪnsɪdentəli part of speech: adverb unexpectedly in spanish: inesperadamente, pronunciation: ənɪkspektɪdli part of speech: adverb unintentionally in spanish: involuntariamente, pronunciation: ənɪntenʃənəli part of speech: adverb by chance in spanish: por casualidad, pronunciation: baɪtʃæns part of speech: adverb circumstantially in spanish: circunstancialmente, pronunciation: sɜrkəmstæntʃəli part of speech: adverb
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