Abusado in english


pronunciation: əbjuzd part of speech: adjective
In gestures

abusado = abused. 

Example: The program aimed at the introduction of neglected and abused children to the public library and the books and services that can help them enrich their lives.


» abusado físicamentephysically abused .

Example: The problem of battered & physically abused children, mistreated by their parents or guardians, raises the question as to whether we are all assassin.

abusar = abuse ; mistreat ; wrong ; push + Nombre + (a)round ; molest ; kick + Nombre + around. 

Example: This system was often abused for a grasping clicker would see to it that the fastest compositor got the easiest work.Example: Some authors, of course, object to their work being subjected to compulsory dissection for exams in the traditional deadly manner and like Bernard Shaw, they swear to haunt anyone who so mistreats them (Shaw's ghost must be busy these days).Example: The case raises the age-old issue of how best to resolve disputes between the press and a subject that feels wronged.Example: Over the last year he has pushed her around, fed her false truths, built up her hopes then crashed them to the ground.Example: A former priest convicted of molesting two altar boys has been released from prison after serving eight years of a 15-year sentence.Example: They are on the hunt for a general dogsbody they can kick around the office.


» abusar deoveruse .

Example: As far as ethical responsibility is concerned, the chief librarian should restrain from overusing the privileges connected with managing the library.

» abusar de la bebidadrink + too muchoverdrink  .

Example: Although many people enjoy moderate drinking, defined as 1 drink per day for women or 2 for men, drinking too much can lead to an overdose.

Example: A diet that is too high in minerals, especially sodium or potassium, can lead to overdrinking.

» abusar de la comidaeat + too muchovereat  .

Example: Common food traps that accompany depression including eating too much, eating too little, and making unhealthy food choices.

Example: Avoid calorie-rich diet, don't overeat.

» abusar del alcoholdrink + too muchoverdrink  .

Example: Although many people enjoy moderate drinking, defined as 1 drink per day for women or 2 for men, drinking too much can lead to an overdose.

Example: A diet that is too high in minerals, especially sodium or potassium, can lead to overdrinking.

» abusar del poderlord overlord it over .

Example: She argues that the way yeoman farmers lorded over their wives and dependents was similar to the way wealthy planters lorded over their slaves.

Example: They believe that the main use for government is for some people to lord it over others at their expense.

» abusar del sistemagame + the systemmilk + the systemrig + the systemwork + the systemplay + the systemabuse + the system .

Example: Doctors often 'game the system' by manipulating the organ allocation system to favor patients of their choosing.

Example: It seems that America is the land of opportunity to milk the system.

Example: This is an interesting way of rigging the system and such foxy tactics can be played in many other places.

Example: At the centre of the row over the 'bonus culture' is the view that certain people are getting money for old rope -- that they're working the system and not providing good value for money.

Example: But by and large, medical students are sensible level-headed types who would never try to play the system when this much is at stake.

Example: Not everyone using food stamps abuses the system.

» abusar de + Posesivo + hospitalidadwear out + Posesivo + welcomeoverstay + Posesivo + welcome .

Example: She has somewhat of a headstrong personality, which has caused her to wear out her welcome at several homes before ours.

Example: She planned to stay only a night, but then faked an injury and quickly overstayed her welcome.

» abusar de + Posesivo + poderabuse + Posesivo + power .

Example: She abused her power as Alaska's governor by trying to get her ex-brother-in-law fired from the state police.

Abusado synonyms

beaten in spanish: vencido, pronunciation: bitən part of speech: adjective reviled in spanish: vilipendiado, pronunciation: rivaɪld part of speech: adjective battered in spanish: abollado, pronunciation: bætɜrd part of speech: adjective affronted in spanish: afrentado, pronunciation: əfrʌntɪd part of speech: adjective maligned in spanish: difamado, pronunciation: məlaɪnd part of speech: adjective misunderstood in spanish: incomprendido, pronunciation: mɪsəndɜrstʊd part of speech: adjective molested in spanish: molestado, pronunciation: məlestɪd part of speech: adjective slapped in spanish: abofeteado, pronunciation: slæpt part of speech: adjective insulted in spanish: insultado, pronunciation: ɪnsʌltɪd part of speech: adjective raped in spanish: violada, pronunciation: reɪpt part of speech: adjective assaulted in spanish: asaltado, pronunciation: əsɔltɪd part of speech: adjective cuffed in spanish: esposado, pronunciation: kʌft part of speech: adjective misused in spanish: mal utilizado, pronunciation: mɪsjuzd part of speech: adjective mistreated in spanish: maltratado, pronunciation: mɪstritɪd part of speech: adjective maltreated in spanish: maltratado, pronunciation: mæltritɪd part of speech: adjective ill-treated in spanish: maltratado, pronunciation: ɪltritəd part of speech: adjective
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