Abuelo in english


pronunciation: grændfɑðɜr part of speech: noun
In gestures

abuelo = grandpa ; grandfather ; gran(d)dad ; Grampa ; granpa ; Poppa. 

Example: Librarians also provide some assistance with that most familiar and awkward-to-handle enquiry from library users concerning the possible value of Grandpa's old Bible or other old book unearthed in the attic during a clear-out.Example: Their grandfathers and great-grandfathers are dead, and the library belongs to the living, who inhabit a different world.Example: This tool enables people to click on the type of person they're having difficulty in choosing a gift for (e.g. mum, dad, granddad, grandma etc) and provides a selection of the most popular present for that person.Example: Gramma and Grampa were so enchanted with the park that we decided to just do the nature trail, which turned out to be about a mile and a half trek around the park.Example: Christmas was especially festive with granma and granpa here to share it.Example: I was so young when Poppa died, I have very few memories of him.


» abuelo maternomaternal grandfather .

Example: His maternal grandfather died of cirrhosis.

» abuelo paternopaternal grandfather .

Example: There I spent a dismal period with the boy's paternal grandfather, a man as wrinkled as a prune, and a brown short-haired dog.

» abuelosgrandparents .

Example: The study comprises three generations of readers/users: children aged about 12 years, their parents and grandparents.

» abuelos maternosmaternal grandparents .

Example: Is it true that on the whole, maternal grandparents get to be more involved and see more of their grandchildren than the paternal grandparents do.

» abuelos paternospaternal grandparents .

Example: On the whole, maternal grandparents get to be more involved and see more of their grandchildren than the paternal grandparents do.

» bisabuelogreat-grandfather .

Example: Their grandfathers and great-grandfathers are dead, and the library belongs to the living, who inhabit a different world.

» el abuelo dethe granddaddy of .

Example: The granddaddy of all fertility treatments, artificial insemination, dates to the early 1900s.

» tío abuelogreat-uncle .

Example: She was preceded in death by a great-grandmother, a great-great-grandmother, a great-aunt and four great-uncles.

Abuelo synonyms

grandpa in spanish: abuelo, pronunciation: grændpɑ part of speech: noun granddad in spanish: abuelo, pronunciation: grændæd part of speech: noun grandad in spanish: abuelo, pronunciation: grændæd part of speech: noun gramps in spanish: gramps, pronunciation: græmps part of speech: noun granddaddy in spanish: abuelo, pronunciation: grændædi part of speech: noun
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