Abstinencia in english


pronunciation: æbstənəns part of speech: noun
In gestures

abstinencia = abstinence. 

Example: The article 'What our children are dying to know: AIDS information dissemination and the library' examines the paternalist approach (which censors information available and advocates abstinence) and the neutralist approach (which is based a respect for adolescent autonomy and reservation of moral judgement).


» abstinencia sexualsexual abstinence .

Example: There is strong and widespread support of teaching sexual abstinence to American teens.

» hacer voto de abstinenciatake + a vow of abstinence .

Example: More and more American girls are taking a vow of abstinence from sex before marriage.

» padecer del síndrome de abstinenciasuffer from + withdrawal symptoms .

Example: He seems to be suffering from withdrawl symptoms now that there is no footie on the telly at weekends.

» síndrome de abstinenciawithdrawal symptoms .

Example: When heavy or frequent drinkers suddenly decide to quit 'cold turkey' they will experience some physical withdrawal symptoms.

» síntomas de abstinenciawithdrawal symptoms .

Example: When heavy or frequent drinkers suddenly decide to quit 'cold turkey' they will experience some physical withdrawal symptoms.

» voto de abstinenciavow of abstinence .

Example: Rape can end even the best kept vow of abstinence and result in an unwanted embryo.

Abstinencia synonyms

abstention in spanish: abstención, pronunciation: əbstentʃən part of speech: noun
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