Abrupto in english


pronunciation: əbrʌpt part of speech: adjective
In gestures

abrupto = rugged ; rough . 

Example: Due to their lighter weight optical-fibre cables can be suspended to form aerial cables in the rugged countryside of Wales where the laying of ducts would be prohibitively expensive.Example: In addition they are able to sustain the library services in this rough terrain.


» terreno abruptobroken groundrough ground .

Example: Conger eels favour very rough ground and inhabit deepwater wrecks, reefs and broken ground.

Example: Congers are powerful fish who mostly congregate around rough ground, feeding on small fish and crustaceans.

Abrupto synonyms

sharp in spanish: agudo, pronunciation: ʃɑrp part of speech: adjective steep in spanish: escarpado, pronunciation: stip part of speech: adjective precipitous in spanish: precipitado, pronunciation: prɪsɪpɪtəs part of speech: adjective staccato in spanish: staccato, pronunciation: stəkɑtoʊ part of speech: adjective sudden in spanish: repentino, pronunciation: sʌdən part of speech: adjective disconnected in spanish: desconectado, pronunciation: dɪskənektɪd part of speech: adjective discourteous in spanish: descortés, pronunciation: dɪskɜrtiəs part of speech: adjective
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