Abanico in english


pronunciation: fæn part of speech: noun
In gestures

abanicar = fan. 

Example: The air conditioning wasn't working and the players were already sweating profusely after their warmup, while spectators fanned themselves with programs.


» abanicar el papelfan (out) + paper [Acción de separar las hojas de un taco de papel cogiéndolo como si fuera un abanico] .

Example: It is wise to fan the paper to separate the sheets and let air in between them, otherwise several sheets might stick together and clog up the printer.

abanico = hand-held fan. 

Example: People use homemade, reed-woven hand-held fans to cool themselves in lieu of electric fans or air-conditioners.


» abanico de posibilidadeskaleidoscopekaleidoscope of possibilities .

Example: The issues that concern the vast majority of disadvantaged people present an interesting kaleidoscope.

Example: A kaleidoscope of possibilities is the theme of this year's conference programme.

» desplegarse a modo de abanicofan out .

Example: The search fans out through a is-a relationship from the original two nodes to all node.

» desplegarse en abanicofan out .

Example: The search fans out through a is-a relationship from the original two nodes to all node.

» extenderse a modo de abanicofan out .

Example: The search fans out through a is-a relationship from the original two nodes to all node.

» un abanico dea palette of .

Example: People use this type of language as part of a palette of ways of expressing things.

Abanico synonyms

buff in spanish: pulir, pronunciation: bʌf part of speech: noun, adjective winnow in spanish: aventar, pronunciation: wɪnoʊ part of speech: verb, noun lover in spanish: amante, pronunciation: lʌvɜr part of speech: noun afficionado in spanish: aficionado, pronunciation: æfitʃoʊnɑdoʊ part of speech: noun devotee in spanish: devoto, pronunciation: devəti part of speech: noun strike out in spanish: tachar, pronunciation: straɪkaʊt part of speech: verb sports fan in spanish: fan de los deportes, pronunciation: spɔrtsfæn part of speech: noun
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