Zombie in spanish


pronunciation: θoʊmbi part of speech: noun
In gestures

zombie = zombi, zombie. 

Example: Homosexuality, cuckoldry, flowering anuses, zombies, monstrosity, gambling, banquets, viral contagion all become signs of a historical epoch which exists in a repetitious & catastrophic crisis.


» smartphone zombie = zombie del smartphone, zombie del (teléfono) móvil, smombie. [Palabra que da lugar al compuesto smombie (fusión de smartphone y zombie) y que se utiliza para referirse a las personas que están tan concentradas en el uso del teléfono móvil que no le prestan atención a lo que está ocurriendo alrededor, especialmente al caminar]

Example: Beware of the 'Smombies' -- the rude and careless smartphone zombies who are destroying human interaction.

» zombielike = como un zombi, a lo zombi.

Example: Cataloging should certainly not be a joyless, irrelevant, and zombielike process.

Zombie synonyms

automaton in spanish: , pronunciation: ɔtɑmətɑn part of speech: noun zombi in spanish: , pronunciation: zɑmbi part of speech: noun the living dead in spanish: , pronunciation: ðəlɪvɪŋded part of speech: noun snake god in spanish: , pronunciation: sneɪkgɑd part of speech: noun zombie spirit in spanish: , pronunciation: zɑmbispɪrət part of speech: noun zombi spirit in spanish: , pronunciation: zɑmbispɪrət part of speech: noun
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