Yucky in spanish


pronunciation: ɑskeɹ̩oʊsoʊ part of speech: adjective
In gestures

yucky [yuckier -comp., yuckiest -sup.] = asqueroso, horrible, horroroso. [También escrito yukky. Pincha en o en para ver otros adjetivos cuyo grados comparativos y superlativos se formas añadiendo "-er" o "-est" (o sus variantes "-r" o "-st") al final]

Example: I saw Gina's post the other day where she said she feels 'fat and frumpish and yucky'.

Yucky synonyms

foul in spanish: , pronunciation: faʊl part of speech: adjective wicked in spanish: , pronunciation: wɪkəd part of speech: adjective offensive in spanish: , pronunciation: əfensɪv part of speech: adjective, noun disgusting in spanish: , pronunciation: dɪsgʌstɪŋ part of speech: adjective loathsome in spanish: , pronunciation: loʊðsəm part of speech: adjective repellent in spanish: , pronunciation: rɪpelənt part of speech: adjective, noun repellant in spanish: , pronunciation: ripelənt part of speech: adjective revolting in spanish: , pronunciation: rivoʊltɪŋ part of speech: adjective distasteful in spanish: , pronunciation: dɪsteɪstfəl part of speech: adjective loathly in spanish: , pronunciation: loʊθli part of speech: adjective disgustful in spanish: , pronunciation: dɪsgʌsfəl part of speech: adjective
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