Yore in spanish


pronunciation: ɑntɑnjoʊ part of speech: noun
In gestures



» in days of yore = antaño, en otro tiempo, en otros tiempos.

Example: The bogeymen that lived under our beds in days of yore don't seem as frightening as those who reside, whether recognized by the children or not, under the beds of today's generation.

» in times of yore = antaño, en otro tiempo, en otros tiempos.

Example: In times of yore, the umbrella was part of the royal regalia, or symbol of rank.

» of yore = de antaño, de otro tiempo, de otros tiempos, de hace siglos.

Example: Ironically, today's catalogs have gone full circle back to the book catalogs of yore, with each work having only one complete catalog entry = Paradójicamente, los catálogos de hoy día han vuelto a los catálogos en forma de libro de antaño, en los que cada documento tenía un único asiento catalográfico completo.

Yore synonyms

past in spanish: , pronunciation: pæst part of speech: noun, adjective yesteryear in spanish: , pronunciation: jestɜrjɪr part of speech: noun past times in spanish: , pronunciation: pæsttaɪmz part of speech: noun

Yore antonyms

future pronunciation: fjutʃɜr part of speech: noun, adjective hereafter pronunciation: hɪræftɜr part of speech: adverb futurity pronunciation: fjutʃʊrɪti part of speech: noun time to come pronunciation: taɪmtukʌm part of speech: noun
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