Figura de cera
pronunciation: figuɹ̩ɑdeθeɹ̩ɑ
part of speech: noun
waxwork = figura de cera.
Example: She has become so popular in just in two years that eight of her waxworks have been unveiled at Madame Tussauds museums worldwide.
Waxwork synonyms
in spanish: ,
pronunciation: bɪtɜrswit
part of speech: adjective, noun
wax figure
in spanish: ,
pronunciation: wæksfɪgjɜr
part of speech: noun
staff vine
in spanish: ,
pronunciation: stæfvaɪn
part of speech: noun
celastrus scandens
in spanish: ,
pronunciation: səlæstrəskændənz
part of speech: noun
american bittersweet
in spanish: ,
pronunciation: əmerəkənbɪtɜrswit
part of speech: noun
false bittersweet
in spanish: ,
pronunciation: fɔlsbɪtɜrswit
part of speech: noun
climbing bittersweet
in spanish: ,
pronunciation: klaɪmɪŋbɪtɜrswit
part of speech: noun