Wavy in spanish
pronunciation: oʊndulɑdoʊ part of speech: adjective
pronunciation: oʊndulɑdoʊ part of speech: adjective
In gestures
wavy [wavier -comp., waviest -sup.] = ondulado, ondulante, ondulatorio. [Pincha en o en para ver otros adjetivos cuyo grados comparativos y superlativos se formas añadiendo "-er" o "-est" (o sus variantes "-r" o "-st") al final]
Example: The wavy sheet margins indicate deckle edges, and the grids of vertical lines represent the chain-lines and the tranchefiles.more:
» wavy hair = pelo ondulado.
Example: Curly and wavy hair tends to behave-or misbehave-in a similar way, depending on its texture.» wavy hair style = peinado ondulado.
Example: Kate's wavy hair style looked as if she had lost herself in time.