Waste in spanish
pronunciation: residuoʊs part of speech: noun, verb

waste1 = despilfarro, derroche.
Example: Since the Reagan administration began its war on waste in 1981, farmers and other citizens have had not alternative to buying their information from the private sector at far steeper prices.more:
» go to + waste = desaprovechar, desperdiciar, caer en saco roto.
Example: The article 'Information: the resource that goes to waste' argues that industry has consistently failed to use the information at its disposal in a coherent and integrated system.» haste makes waste = vísteme despacio que tengo prisa.
Example: We have heard the 'haste makes waste' ditty since childhood.» lay + waste = arrasar, asolar, devastar, causar estragos, hacer estragos, destruir, desolar.
Example: The mutilation of periodicals is laying waste to vital and expensive periodical collections in all kinds of library across the USA, and it seems to strike academic libraries with particular virulence.» war on waste = guerra contra el despilfarro.
Example: Since the Reagan administration began its war on waste in 1981, farmers and other citizens have had not alternative to buying their information from the private sector at far steeper prices.» waste ground = descampado, erial, eriazo.
Example: Police are investigating the discovery of a man's body on waste ground behind a supermarket.» wasteland = páramo, yermo, tierra baldía, erial, eriazo, descampado.
Example: Eliot somehow suggests that a mix of blood and electricity might yet redeem the petty materialism of the modern world that he had previously seen only as a wasteland.» waste of money = derroche de dinero.
Example: Many people now feel that the public library as it stands is a waste of money.» waste of precious time = pérdida de un tiempo precioso.
Example: They're exercises in futility, a waste of precious time.» waste of time = pérdida de tiempo.
Example: Jones (2002) pointed out that whereas many librarians may see these activities as a 'waste of time, nothing could be further from the truth' = Jones (2002) señaló que mientras que muchos bibliotecarios pueden ver estas actividades como una "pérdida de tiempo, nada estaba más lejos de la verdad".» waste piece of land = descampado, erial, eriazo.
Example: Just outside the town lies a waste piece of land now used as a drying ground for linen and as a playground by the small fry of the neighbourhood.waste2 = desperdicio, residuo, excremento.
Example: Some bugs pollinate plants, while others help to decompose plant and animal waste.more:
» environmental waste = vertidos, vertidos contaminantes.
Example: The environmental waste problem is now reaching epic proportions.» hazardous waste = vertido tóxico.
Example: The associations have submitted both oral and written evidence to the European Communities on the transfrontier shipment of hazardous wastes.» household waste = residuos domésticos.
Example: Rubbish bags should contain only normal household waste and must not include sharp objects, hot ashes, liquids, or dangerous objects.» human waste = residuo humano.
Example: All rubbish wastes from organic to inorganic wastes right on to human wastes can all be recycled for usage again.» industrial waste = basura industrial.
Example: The main accent is on primary raw materials, with particular emphasis on the extraction and use of uranium, and on the recycling of municipal and industrial wastes.» inorganic waste = residuo inorgánico.
Example: All rubbish wastes from organic to inorganic wastes right on to human wastes can all be recycled for usage again.» liquid waste = residuos líquidos, aguas residuales, vertidos.
Example: A new method to extract dissolved anions from liquid waste through ion exchange is presented.» municipal waste = basura urbana.
Example: The main accent is on primary raw materials, with particular emphasis on the extraction and use of uranium, and on the recycling of municipal and industrial wastes.» nuclear waste = desechos nucleares.
Example: Research laboratories are facing many problems regarding the disposal of nuclear waste.» organic waste = residuo orgánico.
Example: All rubbish wastes from organic to inorganic wastes right on to human wastes can all be recycled for usage again.» radioactive waste = residuos radioactivos.
Example: The demand for information on the subject of radioactive waste -- from students, scholars, and the general public -- is escalating.» raw waste water = aguas residuales sin tratar.
Example: Radioactivity of the raw waste water was found to be dangerously high.» solid waste = residuos sólidos.
Example: The wash-off of solid waste into the drainage systems of urban areas seriously interferes with aquatic life in the receiving streams, rivers, lakes and oceans.» space waste = basura espacial, chatarra espacial.
Example: China has abruptly scrapped plans for an international governmental meeting next week on how to deal with hazardous space waste.» toxic waste = vertido tóxico, residuos tóxicos.
Example: Information was requested on more than 30 policy issues ranging from tax reform to toxic waste.» wastebasket = papelera.
Example: Income is the payment people receive for doing work, such as earning a weekly allowance for making beds and emptying the wastebaskets.» waste bin = cubo de la basura.
Example: This attitude is based on the waste bin decision process widely used in political and educational organisations, which tend to have open-ended goals, problematic preferences, hazy technology, and poor feeback.» waste collection = recogida de basura.
Example: Local authorities carry out functions conferred on them by Acts of Parliament; for example, the provision of public amenities such as libraries, museums, swimming pools and car parks, waste collection and disposal, and the promotion of tourism.» waste container = contenedor de basura.
Example: Spent cartridges must be collected in waste containers designated for this purpose.» waste disposal = eliminación de basura.
Example: Local authorities carry out functions conferred on them by Acts of Parliament; for example, the provision of public amenities such as libraries, museums, swimming pools and car parks, waste collection and disposal, and the promotion of tourism.» waste management = gestión de los residuos.
Example: Environment Abstracts compiles, summarises, and indexes contribution on such topics as air, water, and soil pollution, toxicology, land use and misuse, waste management, weather modification, and endangered species.» waste-paper basket = papelera.
Example: They hunted high and low, even examining the waste-paper baskets, but to no avail.» waste paper bin = papelera.
Example: For example, to delete a file to move a folder into a waste paper bin.» waste picker = recolector de basura, recogedor de basura, reciclador de basura, reciclador.
Example: We therefore have to strike the right balance if we are not to deprive the waste pickers of their income.» waste water [wastewater] = aguas residuales, aguas negras.
Example: An infrastructure section presents data on waste water, drinking water, telecommunications, and highways.waste3 = derrochar, desperdiciar, dilapidar, despilfarrar, desaprovechar, malograr, malgastar.
Example: The single greatest contribution to the development of Barbados has been education and it should not be wasted.more:
» waste + a chance = perder una oportunidad.
Example: Ronaldo wasted a golden chance to equalise with a header that went wide.» waste + an opportunity = desperdiciar una oportunidad, desaprovechar una oportunidad, perder una oportunidad.
Example: He's probably the shrewdest and most calculating race driver ever, never wasted an opportunity for a victory or a championship point.» waste away = consumirse, demacrarse, atrofiarse, enflaquecer.
Example: But a new study has found that astronauts' muscles would waste away severely on long space flights.» waste + energy = derrochar energía.
Example: Lack of policy means that questions may be considered time after time, by a number of different individuals, with the result that energy is wasted.» waste + money = desperdiciar dinero, derrochar dinero, malgastar dinero.
Example: Australia is wasting money by unnecessary repetition of research.» waste + Nombre + away = derrochar, desperdiciar, dilapidar, despilfarrar, desaprovechar, malograr, malgastar.
Example: It makes me feel like I am doing something good with my life instead of being on the streets wasting it away.» waste not, want not = quien guarda, halla; quien no malgasta no pasa necesidades.
Example: There is a way that we can all reduce the cost of our food bill and it involves adopting the 'waste not, want not' attitudes of our grandparents and great grandparents.» waste + Posesivo + time = perder el tiempo, hacer perder el tiempo.
Example: Then he started effing at me when I told him he was wasting my time.» waste + space = derrochar espacio.
Example: This type of display wastes space, and the mixing of hierarchical levels is confusing rather than helpful.» waste + time = perder tiempo.
Example: Stress is an inescapable fact of life and the reason one of every four persons suffers from chronic stress response is because people waste time.