Warning in spanish
pronunciation: ɑdbeɹ̩tenθiɑ part of speech: noun

warn (of/against) = advertir (de).
Example: The place of publication may also warn of biases in approach or differences in terminology that arise in the text.warning = aviso, advertencia, aviso importante.
Example: No, he was not one to take off like a deer at the first warning of certain dangers.more:
» claims warning system = sistema de aviso de reclamaciones.
Example: The check-in component of LINX offers periodicals inventory control with a claims warning system.» early warning = preaviso, advertencia temprana, advertencia precoz.
Example: Early warnings that quickly reach those at risk can substantially reduce loss of life and damage to property.» early warning sign = señal de alerta, señal de aviso.
Example: Gullibility may be an early warning sign of dementia.» early warning signal = señal de alerta, señal de aviso.
Example: The statistics collected served as an early warning signal for trouble spots.» early warning system = sistema de alerta, sistema de alerta temprana.
Example: This background paper is designed as a progress report and early warning system, not as a primary source of information.» emergency warning light = luz de emergencia, piloto de emergencia.
Example: Under the new law, motorists must give 'a wide berth' to stationary emergency vehicles displaying blue, red, or amber emergency warning lights.» fire warning = señal de aviso de incendio, alarma contra incendios.
Example: The library was found to have inadequate lighting for the partially sighted and a lack of a fire warning perceptible to the deaf.» gain + early warning = percatarse con antelación.
Example: These officers, by being on the spot, are able to gain early warning of impending developments and smooth the path of grant and loan applications.» give + early warning = dar señales de, dar indicios de.
Example: They are considering cash rewards to employees who give early warning that they're quitting.» give + Nombre + a verbal warning = amonestar, apercibir, amonestar verbalmente, apercibir verbalmente.
Example: If we caught them necking, we'd give them a verbal warning and send them on their way.» health warning = advertencia sanitaria.
Example: Some tasty ready-made sarnies you can buy in shops are so full of salt they should have a health warning, says a group of experts.» issue + a warning = dar una advertencia.
Example: If someone reports that a member of the staff is drunk while on the job, the supervisor must immediately set in motion the prescribed personnel procedures for verifying the charge, issuing a warning, observing and documenting future performance, and, if necessary, initiating a dismissal action.» make + warning = dar un aviso, advertir.
Example: Having made this prefatory warning, it has also to be said that many teachers successfully contrive to make reviewing an enjoyable and useful ingredient in their book and reading programs.» post + a warning = poner una señal de aviso.
Example: If you know of a particular member on this website who has posted a profile that is fake please post a warning to other members here.» post + a warning sign = poner una señal de aviso.
Example: The owner of a vicious dog shall post a warning sign in a prominent place in front of the owner's premises to inform the public.» raise + a warning flag = advertir, avisar.
Example: Some of the barriers and limitations identified do raise warning flags, but they did not negate the largely positive trends in the evidence presented.» red sky at night, (shepherd/sailor)'s delight, red sky in the morning, (shepherd/sailor)'s warning = el cielo rojo al atardecer augura buen tiempo, el cielo rojo al amanacer augura mal tiempo. [En inglés británico se utiliza shepherd y en americano sailor]
Example: The old adage of 'red sky at night, shepherd's delight, red sky in the morning, shepherd's warning', has bearing only in the Northern Hemisphere.» verbal warning = amonestación verbal, apercibimiento verbal.
Example: An employer gives an employee a verbal warning as an indicator that they are doing something that needs to be addressed and corrected immediately.» warning cone = pivote, cono de tráfico.
Example: Warning cones or reflective triangles must be carried on tow trucks and should be placed at strategic points alerting other drivers to hazards and giving them time to react.» warning label = advertencia, etiqueta de advertencia, nota de advertencia, aviso de advertencia.
Example: But one Michigan woman says the candies are so chewy, they should come with a warning label.» warning light = piloto de aviso, luz de aviso.
Example: The issue terminal also incorporates a warning light in case a reserved book has slipped through the system and found its way on to the shelves.» warning message = mensaje de aviso.
Example: A warning message is displayed when this happens.» warning shot = disparo de advertencia.
Example: My feeling is that Labor is hitting Boren more as a warning shot to others who might be considering breaking ranks.» warning shot across the bows = disparo de advertencia.
Example: The proposal fires a warning shot across the bows of auto manufacturers in Europe and across the world.» warning sign = señal de aviso, señal de alerta.
Example: Once established, a look, a nod, or a warning sign from the teacher is usually enough to remind forgetful children of the accepted mode of behavior and to prevent distractions.» warning signal = señal de aviso, señal de alerta.
Example: The book is de-sensitized at the time of issue but if a book is removed from the library without being issued the magnetic strip activates a warning signal at the library exit.» warning triangle = triángulo reflectante.
Example: Drivers must carry warning triangles and use them whenever they have stopped on a roadway for any reason, to warn traffic behind that there is an obstruction ahead - even if they have also activated their hazard lights.» weather warning = alerta meteorológica, alerta del tiempo.
Example: A weather warning is issued when severe weather is expected within the next few hours.» without (any) warning = sin previo aviso, sin aviso previo, repentinamente, de súbito, de pronto, de repente, de sopetón, de buenas a primeras, sin más dilación.
Example: In February 1986 an unforeseeable financial crisis at the Georgia Institute of Technology's library made it necessary to divert the binding budget to other areas and without warning binding activities were halted.» word of warning = advertencia, aviso.
Example: One word of warning before starting: products, concepts, applications of information technology are currently in a state of rapid evolution.» written warning = amonestación por escrito, apercibimiento por escrito.
Example: Most people think that theft in the workplace -- even of an item of nominal value -- entitles an employer to dismiss an employee without an alternative, such as a final written warning.