Ward in spanish


pronunciation: sɑlɑ part of speech: noun
In gestures

ward1 = pabellón de hospital, sala de hospital. 

Example: A medical library should be a service obtainable wherever it is needed -- in the ward or outpatient clinic.


» casualty ward = sala de urgencias.

Example: Waiting times in casualty wards across Scotland were independently assessed in an attempt to find out how quickly patients were being treated.

» emergency ward = sala de urgencias.

Example: It is therefore essential to suspect and recognize delirium in these patients, especially in emergency wards.

» hospital ward = sala de hospital, pabellón de hospital.

Example: Library services for many people are provided in different institutional settings: prisons, hospital wards, commercially organized and private homes, and day centres.

» labour ward = sala de partos.

Example: This book provides a practical set of rules to help trainee obstetricians and midwives to understand the concepts of labour ward management.

» medical ward = pabellón médico.

Example: A study was conducted to evaluate the impact of the Problem-Oriented Medical Information System (PROMIS) by comparing the records for 2 generally comparable medical wards.

» psychiatric ward = pabellón siquiátrico.

Example: A total of 262 published reports of research pertaining to psychiatric wards were analyzed.

» rehabilitation ward = sala de rehabilitación, pabellón de rehabilitación.

Example: He is 'out of danger' and has been moved from intensive care to a rehabilitation ward in the Grenoble hospital.

» ward sister = enfermera.

Example: A ward sister then arrived and gave them a telling off for not getting on with their work.

ward2 = barrio, distrito. [Subdivisión de un municipio por razones electorales y administrativas]

Example: A total of 868 personal interviews were conducted with residents in tree wards (inner city and suburban).

ward(s)3 [Sufijo]


» afterward(s) = posteriormente, después, luego.

Example: We shape our buildings and afterwards our buildings shape us.

» backward = retrasado, atrasado.

Example: There are no entries under the terms backward, Deficient, Handicapped, Mental deficiency, Mentally deficient despite the fact that Class JGJ is devoted to the teaching of Deficient, Handicapped, etc.

» backwards = hacia atrás.

Example: Note that headings when read backwards with appropriate prepositions inserted make a title-like phrase describing the subject.

» downward = descendente.

Example: The spiral begins its downward swirl very early in life when a child has difficulty learning to read.

» downwards = hacia abajo.

Example: The sailor unfastened the knot and began paying out the rope, and the rowboat came out of its shed and glided slowly downwards to the beach.

» eastward(s) = hacia el este, rumbo al este, en dirección este.

Example: The dust clouds travel eastward, affecting air quality in China, Korea and Japan, and occasionally the continental United States.

» forward [forwards] = en adelante.

Example: Text words are searchable for records entered 1966-1974 and February 1987 forward.

» inward = interno.

Example: The questions of outward and inward gateways are addressed.

» inward(s) = hacia (a)dentro.

Example: Over the last few years I have developed a condition where both of my pinkie toes have become curled inward.

» leeward = sotavento, parte protegida del viento, recacha.

Example: The leeward side of an island is the drier side or the side where the trade winds pass before they hit a mountain while the windward side is the wetter side.

» leftward = hacia la izquierda.

Example: The leftward lurch in the Swedish Social-Democratic Party since 1973 led to a sudden demand for 'industrial democracy' & 'worker participation.

» leftwards = hacia la izquierda.

Example: So Hutchins arranges her drawings in such a way that as your eye travels leftwards across the page you see the fox who is stalking the hen and trying to catch her.

» northward(s) = en dirección norte, rumbo al norte, hacia el norte.

Example: Which is the only river in the world that flows both northwards and southwards across the line of the Equator?.

» onward(s) = transmitir. [Aquí onward (hacia adelante) no se traduce pues la idea va implícita en el verbo]

Example: It should eventually also be possible for the user to automatically transmit his/her request onwards whenever necessary to other libraries and information centres, or even to publishers or booksellers.

» outward = externo.

Example: Microcomputers communicate with other devices by means of interfaces and the outward sign of these are sockets in the back of the machine.

» outwards = hacia (a)fuera.

Example: From the later fifteenth century books were more often stored on their edges than on their sides, but for most of the sixteenth century they were normally placed fore-edge outwards on the shelf, the title of the book being written across the fore-edge in ink.

» rearward(s) = hacia atrás.

Example: In addition to making women taller, high heels force the back to arch, pushing the bosom forward and the buttocks rearward, thus accentuating the female form.

» seaward = hacia el mar, en dirección al mar, en dirección hacia el mar.

Example: The continental slope refers to a relatively steeply sloping surface lying seaward of the continental shelf.

» southward(s) = hacia el sur, rumbo al sur, en dirección sur.

Example: After lunch we'll travel southwards to Culzean Castle, the ancestral home of the Kennedy family.

» toward(s) = hacia, con (el) objeto de hacer, para, en la dirección de.

Example: An appreciation of alternative approaches is particularly important in this field where trends towards standardisation are the norm.

» townward = hacia el centro de la ciudad.

Example: Use of this library is not still more extensive because those living on the townward side are cut off by an intersecting main road and gravitate naturally to the city centre.

» upward = ascendente, hacia arriba.

Example: The typical organizational chart is a hierarchical structure, and communction flows downward, with some upward movement.

» upwards = hacia arriba.

Example: An arrow pointing upwards indicates when the terminal is in insert mode.

» westward(s) = hacia el oeste, rumbo al oeste, en dirección oeste.

Example: As the 1992 unification of the European Community looms, East European countries are beginning to look westwards for business initiatives.

» windward = barlovento, parte expuesta al viento, parte azotada por el viento.

Example: The leeward side of an island is the drier side or the side where the trade winds pass before they hit a mountain while the windward side is the wetter side.



» ward against = prevenir contra, prevenir en contra de.

Example: This article wards librarians against embracing the ideology of commerce and income generation.

» ward off = prevenir, evitar, impedir.

Example: The most strenuous efforts will not always ensure success, nor the boldest arm of human power ward off the stroke of misfortune.

» ward off + attacks = defenderse de ataques.

Example: Thus the German publishers could use the relatively strong position they gained to ward off attacks on thier entrepreneurial autonomy.

» ward off + disaster = evitar el desastre.

Example: Political ecologists, like the scientists, use their own forte to ward off disaster in the industrial United States.

» ward off + intruders = protegerse de los intrusos, defenderse de los intrusos.

Example: Originally native to Europe, Germany used whitethorn as a hedge to divide plots of land, its sharp thorns was used to ward off intruders.

» ward off + the effects = protegerse de los efectos de Algo.

Example: This article discusses the tactics of organising and lobbying which librarians must use to ward off the worst effects of these changes.

» ward + Pronombre + off = protegerse, defenderse, mantener alejado.

Example: If he begins to get aggressive, I'll be there to ward him off.

Ward synonyms

guard in spanish: , pronunciation: gɑrd part of speech: noun, verb cellblock in spanish: , pronunciation: selblɑk part of speech: noun hospital ward in spanish: , pronunciation: hɑspɪtəlwɔrd part of speech: noun
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