Veggie in spanish


pronunciation: begxie part of speech: noun
In gestures

veggie = vegetariano. 

Example: Most veggies believe in equal rights, humans and animals, but if animals eat each other why shouldn't we eat other animals?.


» veggie soup = sopa de verdura.

Example: Making healthy, family-friendly veggie soups and fruit smoothies or whipping cream is fast and fuss-free with a hand blender.

veggies = verdura. [Generalmente usado en plural]

Example: Don't microwave your veggies: new research shows that microwaving destroys up to 97% of important nutrients like antioxidants.


» fruit and veggies = fruta y verdura. [También escrito fruit and vegies y fruit and veges, pero con menos frecuencia]

Example: A friend said, if you eat too much fruit and veges, it will just go straight through you.

» fruits and veggies = fruta y verdura.

Example: According to new research, if you're breastfeeding, you can help baby learn to like fruits and veggies by eating them yourself = Según nuevos estudios, si se está amamantando, se le puede ayudar al bebé a que le guste la fruta y la verdura, comiéndolas uno mismo.

» veggie burger = hamburguesa vegetariana.

Example: According to new research, many veggie burgers are just as salty as meat ones = Según nuevos estudios, muchas hamburguesas vegetarianas tienen tanta sal como las de carne.

Veggie synonyms

vegetable in spanish: , pronunciation: vedʒtəbəl part of speech: noun
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