Undercut in spanish
Vender a menor precio que
pronunciation: bendeɹ̩ɑmenoʊɹ̩pɹ̩eθioʊke part of speech: verb
pronunciation: bendeɹ̩ɑmenoʊɹ̩pɹ̩eθioʊke part of speech: verb
In gestures

undercut1 = vender más barato, vender a un precio más barato que. [Pincha en para ver una lista de palabras que comienzan con este prefijo usado para indicar generalmente que algo se hace por debajo de sus posibilidades]
Example: Despite what amounts to undercutting by direct sale publishers calling themselves 'book clubs', the British net book agreement has remained in force until the present day.undercut2 = minar, socavar, menoscabar, debilitar.
Example: The effects of liberalization threaten to undercut the delivery of a long cherished social objective.