Undefeated in spanish


pronunciation: inbiktoʊ part of speech: adjective
In gestures

undefeated = invicto, imbatido, victorioso, insuperado. 

Example: The metaphor of boxing in particular helped reinforce the popular fantasy of the US as undisputed & undefeated 'champion of the free world'.

Undefeated synonyms

triumphant in spanish: , pronunciation: traɪʌmfənt part of speech: adjective victorious in spanish: , pronunciation: vɪktɔriəs part of speech: adjective unbowed in spanish: , pronunciation: ənboʊd part of speech: adjective unbeaten in spanish: , pronunciation: ənbitən part of speech: adjective unconquered in spanish: , pronunciation: ənkɑnkɜrd part of speech: adjective unvanquished in spanish: , pronunciation: ənvæŋkwɪʃt part of speech: adjective

Undefeated antonyms

defeated pronunciation: dɪfitəd part of speech: noun, adjective
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