Uncooperative in spanish


pronunciation: inkoʊoʊpeɹ̩ɑtiboʊ part of speech: adjective
In gestures

uncooperative = poco dispuesto a colaborar. 

Example: Similarly, a class that has been involved in a telling-off for any one of the myriad trivial transgressions their flesh is heir to can arrive at the next lesson aggressively uncooperative or giggly.

Uncooperative synonyms

refractory in spanish: , pronunciation: rəfræktɜri part of speech: adjective unhelpful in spanish: , pronunciation: ənhelpfəl part of speech: adjective unaccommodating in spanish: , pronunciation: ənəkɑmədeɪtɪŋ part of speech: adjective disobliging in spanish: , pronunciation: dɪsəblɪdʒɪŋ part of speech: adjective unobliging in spanish: , pronunciation: ənɑblɪdʒɪŋ part of speech: adjective

Uncooperative antonyms

cooperative pronunciation: koʊɑpɜreɪtɪv part of speech: adjective, noun
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