Unconcerned in spanish


pronunciation: despɹ̩eoʊkupɑdoʊ part of speech: adjective
In gestures

unconcerned = indiferente, despreocupado. 

Example: Then, with an elfin smile she said: 'You see, I haven't been entirely unconcerned!'.

Unconcerned synonyms

indifferent in spanish: , pronunciation: ɪndɪfrənt part of speech: adjective blithe in spanish: , pronunciation: blaɪð part of speech: adjective casual in spanish: , pronunciation: kæʒəwəl part of speech: adjective nonchalant in spanish: , pronunciation: nɑnʃəlɑnt part of speech: adjective insouciant in spanish: , pronunciation: ɪnsusjənt part of speech: adjective blase in spanish: , pronunciation: bleɪz part of speech: adjective detached in spanish: , pronunciation: dɪtætʃt part of speech: adjective degage in spanish: , pronunciation: dɪgeɪdʒ part of speech: adjective uninvolved in spanish: , pronunciation: ənɪnvɔlvd part of speech: adjective untroubled in spanish: , pronunciation: əntrʌbəld part of speech: adjective

Unconcerned antonyms

concerned pronunciation: kənsɜrnd part of speech: adjective
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