Unclothed in spanish


pronunciation: desbestidoʊ part of speech: adjective
In gestures

unclothed = sin vestir, desnudo. 

Example: In a matter of minutes, eight cameras coupled with computer software can generate three-dimensional images of the human body, both clothed and unclothed.

Unclothed synonyms

bare in spanish: , pronunciation: ber part of speech: adjective raw in spanish: , pronunciation: part of speech: adjective, noun naked in spanish: , pronunciation: neɪkəd part of speech: adjective nude in spanish: , pronunciation: nud part of speech: adjective, noun exposed in spanish: , pronunciation: ɪkspoʊzd part of speech: adjective stripped in spanish: , pronunciation: strɪpt part of speech: adjective bared in spanish: , pronunciation: berd part of speech: adjective peeled in spanish: , pronunciation: pild part of speech: adjective bottomless in spanish: , pronunciation: bɑtəmləs part of speech: adjective braless in spanish: , pronunciation: brælɪs part of speech: adjective topless in spanish: , pronunciation: tɑpləs part of speech: adjective uncovered in spanish: , pronunciation: ənkʌvɜrd part of speech: adjective unclad in spanish: , pronunciation: ənklæd part of speech: adjective bareheaded in spanish: , pronunciation: berhedɪd part of speech: adjective undressed in spanish: , pronunciation: əndrest part of speech: adjective starkers in spanish: , pronunciation: stɑrkɜrz part of speech: adjective seminude in spanish: , pronunciation: semɪnud part of speech: adjective mother-naked in spanish: , pronunciation: mʌðɜrneɪkt part of speech: adjective barelegged in spanish: , pronunciation: berlegd part of speech: adjective bare-ass in spanish: , pronunciation: beræs part of speech: adjective bare-assed in spanish: , pronunciation: berəst part of speech: adjective naked as a jaybird in spanish: , pronunciation: neɪkədæzədʒeɪbɜrd part of speech: adjective scantily clad in spanish: , pronunciation: skæntəliklæd part of speech: adjective bare-breasted in spanish: , pronunciation: berbristɪd part of speech: adjective stark naked in spanish: , pronunciation: stɑrkneɪkəd part of speech: adjective in the raw in spanish: , pronunciation: ɪnðərɑ part of speech: adjective in the altogether in spanish: , pronunciation: ɪnðəɔltəgeðɜr part of speech: adjective unattired in spanish: , pronunciation: ənætɜrd part of speech: adjective garmentless in spanish: , pronunciation: gɑrməntləs part of speech: adjective in the buff in spanish: , pronunciation: ɪnðəbʌf part of speech: adjective underclothed in spanish: , pronunciation: ʌndɜrkloʊðd part of speech: adjective half-clothed in spanish: , pronunciation: hæfkloʊθt part of speech: adjective ungarmented in spanish: , pronunciation: əngɑrməntɪd part of speech: adjective clothesless in spanish: , pronunciation: kloʊðəsləs part of speech: adjective en deshabille in spanish: , pronunciation: endɪʃəbɪl part of speech: adjective ungarbed in spanish: , pronunciation: əngɑrbd part of speech: adjective naked as the day one was born in spanish: , pronunciation: neɪkədæzðədeɪwʌnwɑzbɔrn part of speech: adjective in your birthday suit in spanish: , pronunciation: ɪnjɔrbɜrθdeɪsut part of speech: adjective unappareled in spanish: , pronunciation: ənəperəld part of speech: adjective in dishabille in spanish: , pronunciation: ɪndɪshəbɪl part of speech: adjective naked as the day you were born in spanish: , pronunciation: neɪkədæzðədeɪjuwɜrbɔrn part of speech: adjective raimentless in spanish: , pronunciation: reɪməntləs part of speech: adjective without a stitch in spanish: , pronunciation: wɪθaʊtəstɪtʃ part of speech: adjective

Unclothed antonyms

clad pronunciation: klæd part of speech: adjective clothed pronunciation: kloʊðd part of speech: adjective
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