Unchanged in spanish

Sin alterar

pronunciation: sinɑlteɹ̩ɑɹ̩ part of speech: adjective
In gestures

unchanged = sin cambios, invariable, inalterable. 

Example: The most recent book on the subject, almost fifty years later, makes it plain that the situation is unchanged.


» leave + unchanged = dejar sin cambiar.

Example: Normally the claim category assigned to the vendor is left unchanged, since it reflects the time that vendor requires to deliver documents.

» remain + unchanged = permanecer sin cambios, permanecer igual.

Example: The need to design the buildings so that books, readers and staff are interchangeable remains unchanged.

Unchanged synonyms

timeless in spanish: , pronunciation: taɪmləs part of speech: adjective in-situ in spanish: , pronunciation: ɪnsitu part of speech: adjective dateless in spanish: , pronunciation: deɪtləs part of speech: adjective unaltered in spanish: , pronunciation: ənɔltɜrd part of speech: adjective unedited in spanish: , pronunciation: ənedətɪd part of speech: adjective unmoved in spanish: , pronunciation: ənmuvd part of speech: adjective unrevised in spanish: , pronunciation: ənrivaɪzd part of speech: adjective unreduced in spanish: , pronunciation: ənrɪdust part of speech: adjective

Unchanged antonyms

altered pronunciation: ɔltɜrd part of speech: adjective changed pronunciation: tʃeɪndʒd part of speech: adjective
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