Unambiguous in spanish


pronunciation: inekiboʊkoʊ part of speech: adjective
In gestures

unambiguous = sin ambigüedad. 

Example: Written in a telegram style, telegraphic abstracts stretch the skills of the abstractor in writing in an abbreviated yet unambiguous style.

Unambiguous synonyms

absolute in spanish: , pronunciation: æbsəlut part of speech: adjective straightforward in spanish: , pronunciation: streɪtfɔrwɜrd part of speech: adjective unequivocal in spanish: , pronunciation: ənɪkwɪvəkəl part of speech: adjective conclusive in spanish: , pronunciation: kənklusɪv part of speech: adjective univocal in spanish: , pronunciation: ənɪvəkəl part of speech: adjective unquestionable in spanish: , pronunciation: ənkwestʃənəbəl part of speech: adjective monosemous in spanish: , pronunciation: mənɑsəməs part of speech: adjective

Unambiguous antonyms

ambiguous pronunciation: æmbɪgjuəs part of speech: adjective equivocal pronunciation: ɪkwɪvəkəl part of speech: adjective
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