Town in spanish


pronunciation: puebloʊ part of speech: noun
In gestures

town = pueblo, ciudad. 

Example: Rivers, erosion, towns and glaciers are all phenomena studied by geography.


» a (late) night out on the town = de marcha, de juerga, de jarana, de parranda, de picos pardos.

Example: For your night out on the town get picked up and dropped off at your home or hotel and enjoy an evening worry free of driving, parking or hailing a cab.

» a night on the town = una noche de fiesta.

Example: It's not every day you can cut loose and enjoy a swank night on the town.

» beach town = ciudad costera.

Example: The novel begins as the heroine leaves Tennessee and settles in a northern Florida beach town, where she gets a job at a souvenir shop during the town's off-season.

» be the talk of the town = ser la comidilla del pueblo, andar de boca en boca.

Example: It wasn't long before the idea of a railhead was the talk of the town.

» boom town = ciudad en auge.

Example: The most striking manifestation of this exploitation is the boom town, defined as the 'rapid and extreme growth of population in communities adjacent to mines and construction sites,' or as a 'community which is undergoing rapid growth and rapid change'.

» Cape Town = Ciudad del Cabo.

Example: The article is entitled 'The shift from apartheid to democracy: issues and impacts on public libraries in Cape Town, South Africa'.

» Chinatown = barrio chino, el.

Example: If you are looking for the best reasonably priced sushi your best bet is almost certainly Sushi-Hiro in Chinatown.

» commuter town = ciudad dormitorio.

Example: Commuter towns are often built at some distance, sometimes over 100 miles away from a central workplace, often a city, that most residents commute to and from.

» cross-town = de una punta de la ciudad a otra, de un lado de la ciudad a otra, de un extremo de la ciudad a otra, que atraviesa la ciudad, del otro lado de la ciudad, al otro lado de la ciudad.

Example: The average speed of cross-town traffic has dropped to 5.2 miles per hour (from 5.6 mph five years ago).

» downtown = centro de la ciudad, centro urbano, en el centro de la ciudad, en el centro urbano.

Example: Shortly after he began as director, he moved the library from a dingy Carnegie mausoleum to a downtown department store that had become vacant.

» fortified town = ciudad fortificada, plaza fuerte.

Example: The Netherlands has some lovely historical fortified towns which are all worth a visit.

» garrison town = plaza fuerte.

Example: In a new strategy, Muslim rebels shelled Algeria's main garrison town for about three hours, killing 12 civilians and wounding 85.

» ghost town = pueblo fantasma.

Example: Sections cover farms and ranches, towns, schools and churches, fisheries and canneries, railroads, mines and ghost towns, and graveyards.

» golfing town = ciudad famosa por el golf.

Example: Our journey takes us through the golfing town of Troon, where we will see the championship links course.

» go out on + the town = salir de juerga, irse de juerga, salir de marcha, irse de marcha, salir de parranda, irse de parranda, irse de picos pardos, salir de jarana, irse de jarana.

Example: A couple had only been married for two weeks and the husband, although very much in love, couldn't wait to go out on the town and party with his old buddies.

» go to + town on = gastarse un montón de dinero, tirar la casa por la ventana, no escatimar gastos, no reparar en gastos, ensañarse con, arremeter contra, cebarse con.

Example: He was refering to the unbelievable action taken by the riot police who for no good reason decided to go to town on innocent fans.

» home town = ciudad natal, patria chica.

Example: It occurred to him that the library might subscribe to his boyhood home town newspaper.

» industrial town = ciudad industrial.

Example: The overall picture gained from this area analysis was that the hinterlands of the industrial towns were not areas where one could hope to find much in the way of bookshops.

» lower town = barrio de los pobres.

Example: 'Lower town,' along the water's edge, is a district of crowded brick and frame structures of varied heights, an occasional old residence having had its ground floor pressed into commercial service.

» man-about-town = vividor, señorito, hombre de mundo. [Plural men-about-town]

Example: He is a dashing man-about-town and his rakish behaviour towards women has gained him a notorious reputation.

» market town = población con mercado ambulante. [Pueblo o ciudad donde regularmente se reúnen comerciantes ambulantes a vender sus productos]

Example: The same authority also experimented for a number of years with a mobile consumer advice caravan which travelled a fortnightly rota of small market towns = El mismo organismo responsable también experimentó durante varios años con una caravana ambulante de información al consumidor que recorría las poblaciones con mercado ambulante quincenalmente.

» mining town = pueblo minero.

Example: In Oct 89, a new branch of the Norwegian public library service was opened in MoiRana, a mining town a little south of the Arctic Circle.

» old town = casco antiguo.

Example: This is a privately funded civic group involved in the restoration and preservation of the city's old town and historic landmarks.

» out-of-town = de fuera de la ciudad, de otras ciudades.

Example: This newspaper cooperative shares subscriptions to the Sunday editions of 12 out-of-town newspapers.

» out on the town = de marcha, de juerga, de jarana, de parranda, de picos pardos.

Example: She said that she took up smoking just to have something else to do while out on the town.

» paint + the town red = salir de juerga, irse de juerga, salir de marcha, irse de marcha, salir de parranda, irse de parranda, irse de picos pardos, salir de jarana, irse de jarana.

Example: Another sign of middle age is when, after painting the town red, you have to rest a week before applying the second coat.

» retirement town = ciudad donde viven principalmente jubilados. [Ciudad que debido a sus condiciones principalmente climáticas o económicas atrae a un gran número de jubilados]

Example: The study showed that seaside resorts, spas, retirement towns and administrative centres were more likely to have good bookshop than industrial towns.

» seaside town = pueblo costero, pueblo de la costa, ciudad costera.

Example: Mystery and intrigue have gripped a small seaside town after someone toppled the steeple of the community's 115-year-old Anglican church.

» shanty town = barriada pobre, barriada de chabolas.

Example: The problem of library provision to the shanty towns is noted.

» shanty-town dweller = chabolista.

Example: Could this mean that we will regress to be a nation of shanty-town dwellers as people find it impossible to find a home they can afford?.

» small-town = pueblerino.

Example: Will's social activism in regard to racial justice and human rights made him ill suited for the confines of the small-town Southern pulpit, and he left in 1954.

» spa town = balneario.

Example: This article discusses the work of the library of the spa town of Marianske Lazne which has a stock of 100,000 items.

» Tinseltown = Hollywood. [Forma coloquial]

Example: Tinseltown's leading men never get their due on the red carpet.

» town centre = centro del pueblo, centro urbano.

Example: Suburban branches can be replaced by one central library in the nearest town centre.

» town coffers, the = arcas del pueblo, las.

Example: People have been talking about that for a long time, long before the investigation started, so the news that officials misappropriated more than $250,000 from the town coffers came as little surprise to residents.

» town council = ayuntamiento, concejo municipal.

Example: The aim was to reach as many people as possible; more unusual venues included a meeting of the town council, a church, the market square, and a prison.

» town councillor = concejal municipal.

Example: A town councillor has been charged with swindling the tax system out of almost a quarter of a million pounds by illegally selling duty-free alcohol.

» town council meeting room = sala de juntas del ayuntamiento.

Example: This article describes the structure and interior design of the new community centre which combines the library with the town council meeting rooms.

» town crier = pregonero.

Example: The article 'Television: force multiplier or town crier in the global village?' discusses how television has changed from being a passive observer of events to being a significant player in international affairs.

» town dweller = habitante de la ciudad, habitante de un pueblo.

Example: Town dwellers, burghers, and tradespeople were considered middle class.

» town fool, the = tonto del pueblo, el.

Example: There, he discovers that his childhood friend, the town fool, Travis, has been incarcerated for burning down a farm.

» town hall = ayuntamiento.

Example: Most CACs occupied office-type accommodation in town halls, libraries and consumer protection departments.

» townhouse [town-house] = casa, casa adosada.

Example: In comparing the residential experiences of single-family dwelling inhabitants with those living in townhouses, duplexes, & apartments, only apartment dwellers seem to experience adverse effects.

» town library = biblioteca municipal.

Example: The authors visited the town library in Comitan and the library in the frontier municipality Las Margeritas.

» town manager = interventor, gerente.

Example: Department heads estimate their expenditures for the coming year and submit them to the town manager, who approves or disapproves them.

» town newspaper = periódico local, periódico del pueblo.

Example: I learned that during the Depression so many towners went to Chicago to find work that the town newspaper had to report on them, and the column had become a tradition.

» town official = autoridad local.

Example: Even though there are tough laws that establish costly penalties for illegal dumping, Belgrade's town officials have not pursued prosecution successfully against scofflaws.

» town planning = urbanismo, planificación urbanística, planeamiento urbanístico, plan de ordenación urbana.

Example: Thus entries about, say, town planning are not filed under the term 'town planning', but under the notation for this subject, 711.4.

» township = municipio, distrito, municipio segregado. [Utilizado principalmente en Sudáfrica. Pincha en para ver otras palabras que terminan con este sufijo]

Example: The library with its advantageous location should be the focal point for information in the township.

» townspeople = ciudadanos, gente de la ciudad.

Example: One of the assignments was for students to interview townspeople about their use of the public library.

» town square = plaza del pueblo.

Example: This article gives a portrait of Varde public library, due to take possession of a new main library in then central town square.

» townward = hacia el centro de la ciudad.

Example: Use of this library is not still more extensive because those living on the townward side are cut off by an intersecting main road and gravitate naturally to the city centre.

» university town = ciudad universitaria.

Example: What was clear from the analysis was that major population centres such as Leeds, Bradford, Sheffield, Hull and York (all of which are university towns) had what might be called 'good' bookshop provision.

» upper town = barrio de los ricos.

Example: In 'upper town' streets are broad, quiet, and tree-shaded; the homes are tall and heavy and look like battleships, each anchored in its private sea of grass.

» uptown = las afueras de la ciudad, barrio residencial de las afueras.

Example: During the early nineteen-thirties, as the city's population moved uptown, so too did many library members.

» walled town = pueblo amurallado, pueblo fortificado.

Example: This paper identifies the walled towns of Ireland through surviving structures and documentary evidence.

Town synonyms

township in spanish: , pronunciation: taʊnʃɪp part of speech: noun townspeople in spanish: , pronunciation: taʊnzpipəl part of speech: noun townsfolk in spanish: , pronunciation: taʊnzfoʊk part of speech: noun
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