Tower in spanish


pronunciation: toʊre part of speech: noun
In gestures

tower1 = torre. 

Example: If the analogy with the fairy story is taken a little further it can be noted that no author really believes in dragons, wicked queens, fair maidens locked in high towers and the like.


» be a tower of strength = ser un pilar de fuerza, ser una gran ayuda, ser un gran apoyo.

Example: Australia's economy is a tower of strength after two respected international reports confirmed it continued to lead the developed world.

» clocktower = torre del reloj.

Example: They will be fingerprinted and photographed, dressed in prison greens and incarcerated in a gaolhouse next to the clocktower in Raymond St.

» cooling tower = torre de refrigeración.

Example: The exhibition displays grain elevators, water towers, cooling towers, and coal bunkers photographed in Europe and the USA, 1963-1978.

» Eiffel Tower, the = Torre Eiffel, la.

Example: The Eiffel Tower is recognized as the universal symbol of Paris, and has stood as the focus of attention of a large number of poets, novelists, dramatists, essayists, and journalists throughout the world.

» ivory tower = torre de marfil.

Example: We run grave risks of being regarded as ivory tower navel-gazers if we ignore the widespread practical applications of bibliographical work.

» Leaning Tower of Pisa, the = torre inclinada de Pisa, la.

Example: The Leaning Tower of Pisa isn't in the list of 'The Seven Wonders'; but that doesn't make this structure any less miraculous.

» office tower = bloque de oficinas.

Example: They specialize in providing seasonal decor for large commercial buildings and office towers.

» tower block = bloque de pisos.

Example: There is a multiscreen cinema within 30 minutes walk of the conference venue, including the recently opened IMAX cinema, which shows specialist films on a screen as large as a tower block.

» Tower of Babel, the = torre de Babel, la.

Example: The article 'How to install an elevator in the Tower of Babel' deals with linguistic problems in the use of English-language information services in non-English-speaking countries.

» tower strength = fuerza de la señal.

Example: This system allows for the quick installation of antennae as well as solving tower strength problems.

» watchtower = atalaya, torre de vigilancia, torreón.

Example: The report also includes a description of a watchtower on a neighboring hill which is probably of the same date.

» water tower = depósito de agua elevado, cisterna elevada, aljibe elevado.

Example: The exhibition displays grain elevators, water towers, cooling towers, and coal bunkers photographed in Europe and the USA, 1963-1978.

tower above/over2 = alzarse, dominar, elevarse, sobresalir. 

Example: Prague represents a unique collection of historical monuments dominated by Prague Castle towering high above the city.

Tower synonyms

loom in spanish: , pronunciation: lum part of speech: noun, verb column in spanish: , pronunciation: kɑləm part of speech: noun pillar in spanish: , pronunciation: pɪlɜr part of speech: noun hulk in spanish: , pronunciation: hʌlk part of speech: noun
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