Towards in spanish


pronunciation: ɑθiɑ part of speech: none
In gestures

toward(s) = hacia, con (el) objeto de hacer, para, en la dirección de. 

Example: An appreciation of alternative approaches is particularly important in this field where trends towards standardisation are the norm.


» act towards = comportarse con, actuar con, portarse con.

Example: I get so mad when I think of the way she acts towards me alone, and then when she puts on this act in front of her friends.

» a long way toward = muy lejos de conseguir.

Example: The article is entitled 'Access to government information in Japan: a long way toward electronic government?'.

» behave towards = comportarse con, actuar con, portarse con.

Example: You know, the way she behaves towards me, you'd never believe she ran off with my husband.

» be heading towards = dirigirse hacia, encaminarse hacia.

Example: The relative growth rate has declined and figures indicate that it is heading towards saturation.

» edge (toward(s)) = acercarse gradualmente (a), aproximarse (a), avanzar gradualmente (hacia), aproximarse poco a poco (a), avanzar poco a poco (hacia).

Example: The unemployment rate is edging toward 15 percent.

» get along toward(s) = acercarse, aproximarse, acercarse la hora de, aproximarse la hora de, estar cerca de, ser cerca de. [Usado con expresiones temporales]

Example: When the look of the sky informed us that it was getting along toward suppertime, we climbed down and said 'So long' and 'See you tomorrow,' and went our separate ways in the dusk.

» get on toward(s) = acercarse, aproximarse, acercarse la hora de, aproximarse la hora de, estar cerca de, ser cerca de. [Utilizado con expresiones temporales]

Example: It was getting on toward six o'clock so I thought I'd buy myself a beer and go out and sit in a deck chair by the swimming pool.

» go + a long way (towards/to/in) + Gerundio = contribuir en gran medida a + Infinitivo, ayudar bastante a, conseguir en gran medida + Infinitivo, hacer mucho por.

Example: In addition, their involvement in the planning process will go a long way towards allaying any fears over automation and will ensure that staff are aware of the reasons behind the decision to automate.

» go far towards + Gerundio = contribuir en gran medida a + Infinitivo.

Example: A minimal effort at staff development can go far towards easing foreign students' problems of acclimation and enhancing their academic experience.

» go some (of the) way to(wards) + Gerundio = ayudar a + Infinitivo.

Example: This simple observation also goes some of the way towards explaining the variety of tools, methods and systems which are encountered in the organisation knowledge.

» head to(wards) = dirigirse hacia, dirigirse a, encaminarse hacia, encaminarse a, ir hacia, ir a.

Example: If you want to experience acting at its very best, you should not head to Hollywood or even Broadway.

» head up towards = subir en dirección de, ascender en dirección de.

Example: Continue ahead and take the right-hand fork as the path splits to head up towards a cairn about a further hundred yards ahead = Continúe todo recto por este sendero y cuando llegue a un desvío siga por el camino de la derecha que asciende en dirección de un mojón de piedras que se encuentra a unos cien metros.

» inch (+ Posesivo + way) towards = avanzar muy lentamente hacia.

Example: Perspiration beaded on his forehead as he inched his way towards President McKinley.

» in the trend towards = de acuerdo con la tendencia hacia.

Example: The library is located in a city with a very large state mental hospital that has been sharply downsized in the trend towards de-institutionalisation.

» lean to(wards) = inclinarse por, tener inclinación por, tener predilección por.

Example: He feared that 'the people will think we are leaning too much towards Monarchy'.

» lean to(wards) = inclinarse hacia, ladearse hacia, escorar hacia.

Example: He leaned toward the document and began to go through it page by page.

» look toward(s) = considerar, estudiar, barajar, dirigir la mirada hacia.

Example: Libraries are looking towards some sort of cooperative system.

» make + haste towards = dirigirse rápidamente hacia, dirigirse a toda prisa hacia.

Example: You are the strongest of all your village people, so your aim in this arcade game is to make haste towards the woods and save your people!.

» move toward = dirigirse hacia, acercarse a, avanzar hacia.

Example: Nobody could have guessed from the librarian's placid demeanor that she was in a state of extreme agitation as she moved toward Edmonds' door.

» run towards + the end of + Posesivo + useful life = expirar, acabar + Posesivo + vida útil, agotar + Posesivo + vida útil.

Example: Blair is accused of presiding over a 'fag-end' government, one that is rapidly running towards the end of its useful life.

» start toward = dirigirse hacia.

Example: 'I think it makes eminent sense, for the reasons I've outlined,' he said and started toward the door.

» tip + the balance + favour/towards = inclinar la balanza a favor de, favorecer a.

Example: By analysing huge volumes of digital data, they were able to identify any trend or method that could tip the balance in the Democrat's favour.

» tip + the scales + favour/towards = inclinar la balanza a favor de, favorecer a.

Example: It was above all her air of not being touched by anything, her manner of seeming as it were above everything, that tipped the scales in favour of her rival.

» turn toward(s) = mirar hacia, dirigir la mirada hacia.

Example: I reached over and ran my fingers along her cheek and she turned toward me, a smile broadening in spite of her huff.

» untoward = inconveniente, molesto.

Example: Make sure everyone involved is aware of timetable and room changes and any other administrative abnormalities; and as far as possible prevent any untoward interruptions.

» untoward = raro, perverso.

Example: Perhaps, he questioned himself, this is the way every principal operates, and there is nothing untoward in it.

» untoward = adverso, perjudicial.

Example: Efforts to destigmatize euthanasia or even encourage it for some groups may have the untoward effect of promoting suicide in other groups.

» with an eye toward(s) = con vistas a, con la intención de, con la mirada en.

Example: This article presents a summary of the less aparent effects of these developments with an eye toward how these have reshaped contemporary conceptions of the physical book.

» work toward(s) = intentar conseguir, esforzarse por conseguir.

Example: Library staff can work towards this by putting themselves in the position of the users.
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