Towage in spanish


pronunciation: remoʊlke part of speech: noun
In gestures

wage2 = disputar, contender, luchar, someter. 

Example: It is as if libraries find themselves once again mired down in the bureaucratic information policy firefights waged during the Reagan and Bush administrations (1980-1992).


» wage + battle = librar una batalla.

Example: This article suggests that it is time for women librarians to wage the feminist battle on other fronts than pay equity.

» wage + war (against/on) = hacer la guerra (contra/a), luchar (contra), guerrear (contra).

Example: The story of Muhammad's conquest of Khaybar disproves the theory that Muslims only wage war in self-defense.

Towage synonyms

tow in spanish: , pronunciation: toʊ part of speech: noun, verb
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