Tow in spanish


pronunciation: remoʊlkɑɹ̩ part of speech: noun, verb
In gestures

tow1 = remolque. 

Example: If roadside repairs aren't possible, however, the service arranges a tow.


» in tow = a remolque, remolcado.

Example: The company will not be liable for any damage or loss to or occasioned by the vessel in tow.

» in tow = a la zaga, a rastras, a cuestas, de acompañante, acompañado de.

Example: The women have either come for their monthly antenatal checkups or postnatal visits, healthy babies in tow.

» take in + tow = remolcar, llevar a remolque.

Example: If the water be tolerably smooth, and the wind moderate, a vessel may be taken in tow without shortening sail or altering the course.

» tow-bar [towbar] = enganche para el remolque, gancho para el remolque.

Example: The system was designed to be easily transported, of low maintenance, and adaptable to tractors and other vehicles with a tow-bar.

» towboat = remolcador.

Example: In addition, a towboat without barges in front of it may be towing astern with the towline submerged -- so stay clear! .

» towline = cable de remolque, sirga.

Example: In addition, a towboat without barges in front of it may be towing astern with the towline submerged -- so stay clear!.

» towrope = cuerda de remolque, cable de remolque, sirga.

Example: A knot in the towrope will probably reduce the rope strength by about 35-40% and markedly increase abrasion.

» tow truck = grúa.

Example: Warning cones or reflective triangles must be carried on tow trucks and should be placed at strategic points alerting other drivers to hazards and giving them time to react.

tow2 = estopa. 

Example: Carrying of a distaff with tow was a punishment for persons guilty of sex and violence crimes.


» have tow on + Posesivo + distaff = tener tarea por hacer.

Example: An interesting old relic and reminder of old times, when the spinning-wheel was in daily use, is seen in the saying, 'I have tow on my distaff'.

tow3 = arrastrar, remolcar. 

Example: 'Sit down please,' he bade her and she towed a chair over to his desk.

Tow synonyms

towage in spanish: , pronunciation: taʊədʒ part of speech: noun
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