Tout in spanish


pronunciation: rebendedoʊɹ̩ part of speech: noun, verb
In gestures

tout1 = cazaclientes, espabilado, despabilado. 

Example: His characters are gullible and easily led, dependent on the kindness of strangers and vulnerable to parasites and touts who hang around train stations and hotels.


» ticket tout = revendedor de entradas.

Example: The article 'Taking out the ticket tout' discusses how internet-based secondary ticketing is already a major success in the US.

tout2 = pregonar, anunciar, promocionar, publicitar, alardear de. 

Example: And may I say parenthetically that two publishers out of the enormous number that are so often touted as belonging to the CIP program are now printing their own homemade and superior cataloging in publication data.


» much-touted = tan cacareado, tan anunciado.

Example: The public library now stands upon the threshold of unparalleled opportunity as the much touted Information Age takes hold of society.

» tout for = andar a la caza de.

Example: The Ministry of Culture of the USSR produced a number of new regulations for library work; however, because of the reader registration system, librarians are still forced to tout for readers instead of working with those who really need their help.

Tout synonyms

blow in spanish: , pronunciation: bloʊ part of speech: noun, verb gas in spanish: , pronunciation: gæs part of speech: noun boast in spanish: , pronunciation: boʊst part of speech: verb, noun brag in spanish: , pronunciation: bræg part of speech: verb, noun bluster in spanish: , pronunciation: blʌstɜr part of speech: noun huckster in spanish: , pronunciation: hʌkstɜr part of speech: noun vaunt in spanish: , pronunciation: vɔnt part of speech: verb, noun hawker in spanish: , pronunciation: hɔkɜr part of speech: noun swash in spanish: , pronunciation: swɑʃ part of speech: noun gasconade in spanish: , pronunciation: gæskəneɪd part of speech: noun tipster in spanish: , pronunciation: tɪpstɜr part of speech: noun cheap-jack in spanish: , pronunciation: tʃipdʒæk part of speech: noun shoot a line in spanish: , pronunciation: ʃutəlaɪn part of speech: verb
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