Tour in spanish


pronunciation: ekskuɹ̩sioʊn part of speech: noun
In gestures

tour1 = visita, recorrido, gira. 

Example: After a quick tour of the facilities and after meeting a few staff members, Bibeau was ushered into the 'Board Room,' where he was introduced to the other remaining trustees.


» audio tour = audioguía, audiotour.

Example: Just ask for audio tours when purchasing tickets at the cashier's desk.

» audio tour unit = equipo para escuchar visitas grabadas.

Example: Library users are introduced to the specifics and vagaries of each library in a variety of ways and instructional levels: signs, library guides, tape/slide shows, video display units, and audio tour units.

» be on tour = estar de gira.

Example: She's in Arkansas at the moment and is super pumped about it -- as she is about every part of being on tour.

» boat tour = paseo en barco.

Example: The visit includs a boat tour on the Muritzsee and a box lunch (with one soft drink).

» bus tour = gira turística en autobús, gira turística.

Example: However there is considerable fear among certain sectors, such as travel companies and bus tour organizers in some countries.

» city tour = visita por la ciudad.

Example: This city tour will end at the TV tower of Berlin to watch the colours of the city changing when the sun sets while enjoying a glass of German sparkling wine.

» coach tour = gira en autocar, gira en autobús.

Example: We have a wide range of coach trips to Scotland from short breaks to specific destinations to coach tours that visit the best towns and cities across the country.

» concert tour = gira de conciertos.

Example: Two of the top-grossing concert tours last year were by a jazz band and a rock band.

» guided tour = visita guiada, recorrido guiado, excursión organizada, visita organizada.

Example: The Australians went on guided tours round the National Library and a number of academic and national libraries.

» jeep tour = recorrido en jeep.

Example: Many activities including horseback riding, jeep tours, and bicycle rentals, are available on site.

» lecture tour = visita con conferencia a varios lugares de un país.

Example: I am particularly indebted to her for a wealth of information gathered on a recent lecture tour of Australia and New Zealand.

» Library Tour = Library Tour. [Programa de ordenador que permite al lector averiguar la localización de los servicios y fondos de una biblioteca]

Example: A program called 'Library Tour' has been developed which responds to the user's input on possible movements within the library, and indicates which library services or section of stock will be found at the point reached.

» library tour = visita guiada a la biblioteca.

Example: It is being used for library tours, oral presentations, data bases of organisations, as a front-end to on-line services, interactive videodiscs, and optical scanners.

» night tour = visita nocturna.

Example: Night tours for a minimum of 15 people are available by prior booking.

» organised tour = visita organizada.

Example: Many people shun organised tours completely, however, much preferring to go solo or travel with a small group of friends.

» orientation tour = visita guiada.

Example: The usual orientation tour of the library for groups of new students was replaced by self-guided tours on cassette tapes.

» package tour = vacaciones organizadas.

Example: Today, we can take a package tour to see the Peking Opera or to go tracking in the Himalayas.

» panoramic tour = visita panorámica.

Example: Luckily for us, having the weather on our side, it helped us enjoy the 1-hour panoramic tour with two expert guides.

» self-guided tour = visita autoguiada, recorrido autoguiado.

Example: In this self-guided tour project, students are assigned to visit and describe local historical landmarks.

» sightseeing tour = visita turística, excursión.

Example: Sightseeing tours were also arranged.

» study tour = visita a centros profesionales, visita profesional. [Visita a centros relacionados con la carrera profesional del visitante y localizados en ciudades o países diferentes del de origen]

Example: A holiday is a possible alternative to a study tour, but the disadvantage is that the student may find it harder to meet librarians.

» tour bus = autobús turístico.

Example: The 18th-century Philadelphia house of James Dexter will not lie forgotten beneath a planned tour bus depot.

» tour company = operador turístico, touroperador, turoperador.

Example: As a native Arizona family owned business, our passion for Arizona makes us the top-rated tour company in Arizona since 1983.

» tour de force = proeza, hazaña. [Algo muy digno de destacar]

Example: The subsequent report, a tour de force, recommended the restructuring of library authorities into larger units.

» tour guide = guía de turismo.

Example: The article is entitled 'The Windows Internet tour guide: cruising the Internet the easy way'.

» tour of duty = período de servicio.

Example: Her 'tour of duty' extended from the end of September 1987 to the end of March of the following year, summertime for the Southern Hemisphere.

» tour operator = operador turístico, touroperador, turoperador.

Example: Traditional database-driven applications, as used by most of the tour operators, are not sufficient enough to implement a sales process with consultation on the World Wide Web.

» tour package = paquete turístico.

Example: It is impossible for a travel agent to keep track of all the offered tour packages.

» virtual tour = visita guiada virtual, recorrido guiado virtual.

Example: The article is entitled 'Messages from the eagle: Dacus Library's virtual tour'.

» walking tour = paseo turístico, visita a pie.

Example: With the recent emphasis toward active learning techniques and technology tools, many libraries seem to be discontinuing the traditional guided walking tours.

tour2 = visitar, viajar por, recorrer, hacer una gira de, hacer turismo. 

Example: A 5-day symposium was held at Champagne Public Library and an exhibition toured the public libraries of the state.

Tour synonyms

go in spanish: , pronunciation: goʊ part of speech: verb turn in spanish: , pronunciation: tɜrn part of speech: verb, noun spell in spanish: , pronunciation: spel part of speech: noun, verb circuit in spanish: , pronunciation: sɜrkət part of speech: noun hitch in spanish: , pronunciation: hɪtʃ part of speech: noun, verb enlistment in spanish: , pronunciation: enlɪstmənt part of speech: noun tour of duty in spanish: , pronunciation: tʊrʌvduti part of speech: noun duty tour in spanish: , pronunciation: dutitʊr part of speech: noun term of enlistment in spanish: , pronunciation: tɜrmʌvenlɪstmənt part of speech: noun
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