Touching in spanish


pronunciation: koʊnmoʊbedoʊɹ̩ part of speech: noun, adjective
In gestures

touch2 = tocar. 

Example: He repeatedly comments on my appearance, makes sexual innuendoes, and touches me.


» touch-and-go = impredecible, incierto.

Example: After a day of being touch-and-go, her surgeon told us he expects she will survive despite a massive blood loss.

» touch + a (raw) nerve = poner el dedo en la llaga, provocar, irritar.

Example: Obama's election seems to have touched a raw nerve in conservative white America, unleashing a torrent of right-wing rage unseen in this country.

» touch off = desencadenar, provocar, hacer estallar.

Example: This decision touched off a battle of wills between the library and the government as well as a blitz of media publicity.

» touch on/upon = tratar ligeramente, mencionar, hacer mención de/a.

Example: A cataloguing code also touches on the subject of bibliographic description.

» touch on + a point = tocar un punto, tocar un tema, mencionar un punto, mencionar un tema.

Example: I think she was subliminally, perhaps, touching on a point that has not been brought up, namely, quality control in cooperative cataloging, which we're all for.

» touch on + a raw nerve = tocar donde duele, poner el dedo en la llaga.

Example: Adults should treat books children read for the pertinent present they reveal with more caution and wariness since they touch on raw nerves.

» touch on + a sore spot = tocar donde duele, poner el dedo en la llaga.

Example: This interpretation obviously touched on a sore spot and the relation between the two countries remained troublesome for centuries.

» touch + Posesivo + forelock at/to = agachar la cabeza ante, bajar la cabeza ante, doblegarse ante, hacer reverencia a, inclinarse ante.

Example: 'Aye, aye, sir,' answered the cook, and touching his forelock, he disappeared at once in the direction of his galley = "Sí, sí, señor," respondió el cocinero, y agachando la cabeza, desapareció al instante en dirección a la cocina.

» touch + Posesivo + life = impactar, impresionar, dejar huella, dejar mella, hacer mella, hacer huella.

Example: Despite his faults, he still manages to change and touch many people's lives through his infectious laughter.

» touch + rock bottom = tocar fondo.

Example: This fell fast over the years until it touched rock bottom at minus four percent in 2004.

» touch + the tip of the iceberg = abordar una mínima parte del asunto.

Example: From the professional point of view a MLS degree is a requirement; but these two statements only touch the tip of the iceberg.

» touch up(on) + an issue = tocar una cuestión, tratar una cuestión ligeramente.

Example: This article touches upon issues concerning falsification and copyright, legal requirements regarding work with VDUs and controls placed upon the length of time working at VDUs and as ergonomic issues.

» touch (up)on + a problem = tocar un problema, tratar un problema de pasada.

Example: The problems which these media-inspired and media-influenced books present to children's librarians are touched upon.

» touch + wood = tocar madera, desear suerte.

Example: Some people cross their first and second fingers for luck, or touch wood for luck, when they say something that they want to come true.

» touch wood! = ¡toca madera!.

Example: These power outages certainly haven't been on the scale that we've seen in the past -- touch wood! -- but they're still pretty annoying,.

» would not touch/trust + Nombre + with a barge pole = no fiarse ni un pelo; no fiarse lo más mínimo; no acercarse a Algo/Alguien ni muerto; no hacer Algo ni muerto; no querer tener nada que ver con Algo/Alguien; si no te la da a la entrada, te la da a la salida. [El uso de trust por touch es mucho menos común]

Example: The Education Secretary says there are some secondary schools in England she 'would not touch with a barge pole'.

touching = conmovedor, estremecedor. 

Example: In a world of daily genocide, where two-thirds of humanity are condemned, it is touching to see a spark of what solidarity can do.

Touching synonyms

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