Toss in spanish


pronunciation: sɑkudidɑ part of speech: verb, noun
In gestures

toss1 = lanzamiento. 

Example: If the first time the coin comes up heads is on the first toss, I will give you $2.


» argue + the toss = discutir una decisión, discrepar con una decisión.

Example: I had lots of practice arguing the toss with my father, who often played devil's advocate.

» be not worth a toss = no valer nada, no valer gran cosa, no valer un comino.

Example: They are both terribly good at explaining the past, but not worth a toss at predicting the future.

» coin toss = lanzamiento de moneda.

Example: The winner of the coin toss selects the goal to attack and the other team kicks off.

» give + a toss = dar la vuelta en el aire.

Example: He then dropped the metal suddenly into the mouth of the mould, and at the same instant gave it a jerk or toss to force the metal into the recesses of the matrix (the precise form of the jerk varying with the different letters).

toss2 = tirar, arrojar, echar, lanzar. 

Example: Everything being online, the exquisite oaken cabinets housing the card files were tossed = Puesto que todo ya está online, se tiraron las cajoneras de roble tan exquisitas que contenían las fichas.


» toss about = manejar descuidadamente.

Example: A spider web of metal, sealed in a thin glass container, a wire heated to brilliant glow, in short, the thermionic tube of radio sets is made by the hundred million, tossed about in packages, plugged into sockets -- and it works!.

» toss + a coin = lanzar una moneda al aire, echárselo a cara o cruz, jugárselo a cara o cruz.

Example: When faced with two choices, simply toss a coin.

» toss and turn (all night long) = dar vueltas en la cama (toda la noche).

Example: I do not remember this during my first pregnancy, but maybe it is selective memory, I have been tossing and turning all night long.

» toss around + an idea = darle vueltas a una idea, debatir una idea.

Example: The idea for this kind of program was tossed around in fits and starts.

» toss + a salad = preparar una ensalada.

Example: Traditional ratatouille ingredients -- eggplant, tomatoes, zucchini, onion, bell peppers and fresh herbs -- are even better when tossed as a salad!.

» toss away = tirar, arrojar, botar.

Example: It's a waste to toss them away, so I decided to make them into this pair of lovely bobby pins.

» toss away + an opportunity = desperdiciar una oportunidad, desaprovechar una oportunidad.

Example: In passing this bill they are just tossing away the opportunity to play a dominant role in the potash markets of the world.

» toss for it = echárselo a cara o cruz, jugárselo a cara o cruz.

Example: If you can't decide you can always toss for it.

» toss + heads or tails = echar cara o cruz, echárselo a cara o cruz, jugárselo a cara o cruz.

Example: He then decided whether to go to the right or to the left by tossing heads or tails at every street corner.

» toss into + the air = lanzar al aire.

Example: The motion of a ball tossed vertically into the air was recorded using a motion detector.

» toss + Nombre + out on + Posesivo + ear = poner de patitas en la calle, despedir.

Example: She plays a devoted housewife who finds herself tossed out on her ear when her philandering husband trades her in for a younger model.

» toss out = tirar, arrojar, desechar.

Example: In preparation for computerization, let us not toss out old standards that were good.

» toss + Posesivo + cap in(to) the ring = echarse al ruedo, lanzarse al ruedo, tirarse al ruedo, dar la cara, aceptar un reto, presentarse a una elección.

Example: She's ever willing to help and never afraid to toss her cap into the ring when the need arises.

» toss + Posesivo + cookies = vomitar, devolver.

Example: She hadn't actually tossed her cookies, but the dust of the road and the smell of the exhaust combined with the bumpy ride had nauseated her.

» toss + Posesivo + hat in(to) the ring = echarse al ruedo, lanzarse al ruedo, tirarse al ruedo, dar la cara, aceptar un reto, presentarse a una elección.

Example: With the war dragging on in Europe, it became apparent that the United States was going to 'toss its hat in the ring' and send troops to the war zone.

Toss synonyms

pitch in spanish: , pronunciation: pɪtʃ part of speech: noun pass in spanish: , pronunciation: pæs part of speech: verb, noun fling in spanish: , pronunciation: flɪŋ part of speech: verb, noun flip in spanish: , pronunciation: flɪp part of speech: noun, adjective, verb sky in spanish: , pronunciation: skaɪ part of speech: noun dispose in spanish: , pronunciation: dɪspoʊz part of speech: verb stir in spanish: , pronunciation: stɜr part of speech: verb slash in spanish: , pronunciation: slæʃ part of speech: noun, verb discard in spanish: , pronunciation: dɪskɑrd part of speech: verb chuck in spanish: , pronunciation: tʃʌk part of speech: noun thrash in spanish: , pronunciation: θræʃ part of speech: verb thresh in spanish: , pronunciation: θreʃ part of speech: verb convulse in spanish: , pronunciation: kənvils part of speech: verb put away in spanish: , pronunciation: pʊtəweɪ part of speech: verb throw out in spanish: , pronunciation: θroʊaʊt part of speech: verb throw away in spanish: , pronunciation: θroʊəweɪ part of speech: verb toss out in spanish: , pronunciation: tɔsaʊt part of speech: verb cast out in spanish: , pronunciation: kæstaʊt part of speech: verb toss away in spanish: , pronunciation: tɔsəweɪ part of speech: verb cast away in spanish: , pronunciation: kæstəweɪ part of speech: verb cast aside in spanish: , pronunciation: kæstəsaɪd part of speech: verb thrash about in spanish: , pronunciation: θræʃəbaʊt part of speech: verb chuck out in spanish: , pronunciation: tʃʌkaʊt part of speech: verb thresh about in spanish: , pronunciation: θreʃəbaʊt part of speech: verb
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