Torrid in spanish


pronunciation: toʊridoʊ part of speech: adjective
In gestures

torrid1 = tórrido, abrasador, sofocante. 

Example: The impression in England was that Queensland was a torrid place, not suitable for white occupation, and very thinly occupied, mostly by blacks.


» have + a torrid time = sufrir lo indecible, pasar lo indecible, pasarlas canutas, vérselas canutas, pasar las de Caín.

Example: The courts are having a torrid time in trying to handle these cases that seem to be on the increase on a daily basis.

» torrid heat = calor tórrido, calor abrasador, calor sofocante, calor agobiante, calor asfixiante.

Example: At times during the summer, residents across Ontario and southern Quebec either enjoyed or endured bouts of torrid heat and insufferable humidity.

» torrid zone, the = zona tórrida, la.

Example: The Arabian Peninsula lies in the torrid zone, and rainfall is sparse, espacially in the central part.

torrid2 = fogoso, ardiente, apasionado. 

Example: He says he wants to have a torrid affair because he's too busy to commit to a proper relationship!.

Torrid synonyms

hot in spanish: , pronunciation: hɑt part of speech: adjective ardent in spanish: , pronunciation: ɑrdənt part of speech: adjective fervent in spanish: , pronunciation: fɜrvənt part of speech: adjective passionate in spanish: , pronunciation: pæʃənət part of speech: adjective fiery in spanish: , pronunciation: faɪɜri part of speech: adjective sultry in spanish: , pronunciation: sʌltri part of speech: adjective burning in spanish: , pronunciation: bɜrnɪŋ part of speech: noun fervid in spanish: , pronunciation: fɜrvəd part of speech: adjective impassioned in spanish: , pronunciation: ɪmpæʃənd part of speech: adjective perfervid in spanish: , pronunciation: pɜrfɜrvəd part of speech: adjective
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