Torrential in spanish


pronunciation: toʊrenθiɑl part of speech: adjective
In gestures

torrential = torrencial. 

Example: Though seasonal rains are not unexpected in the area, the rain that fell during the week was torrential and relentless.


» torrential downpour = chaparrón, aguacero, lluvia torrencial, tromba de agua, manta de agua.

Example: Weather forecasters are warning of torrential downpours in Derbyshire at the end of the week.

» torrential flood = riada, aluvión.

Example: There are spring freshets caused by heavy rainfalls and melting snows, and torrential floods of short duration caused by cloudbursts.

» torrential rain = lluvia torrencial.

Example: Tomás Hernández drove cautiously in the torrential rain, trying not to swerve on the slick pavement of the turnpike.

Torrential synonyms

abundant in spanish: , pronunciation: əbʌndənt part of speech: adjective uncontrolled in spanish: , pronunciation: ənkəntroʊld part of speech: adjective
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