Torch in spanish


pronunciation: ɑntoʊɹ̩tʃɑ part of speech: noun
In gestures

torch1 = antorcha, linterna, tea. 

Example: The tone then abruptly changed from comedy to ritual as the music started, and the actors streamed into the playing area carrying torches and lighting more candles.


» bear + the torch of = llevar la antorcha de.

Example: It is almost impossible to bear the torch of truth through a crowd without singeing somebody's beard.

» blow torch = soplete, lamparilla.

Example: Blow torches are widely used in many trades especially plumbing.

» carry + a torch for + Nombre = estar enamorado de.

Example: When he deserts her and her child, Charity is forced to turn to another man who has long carried a torch for her.

» carry + the torch = llevar la antorcha, servir de guía, mantener viva la llama.

Example: This book maintains that the church in Africa carries the torch of hope for many Africans today in the midst of political and economic insecurity and social disorder.

» go up like + a torch = andar como una tea, arder como una antorcha.

Example: With a strong east wind it quickly went up like a torch.

» hand over + the torch = pasar la antorcha, tomar el relevo, pasar el testigo.

Example: The Freedom of Information torch will be handed over to Joel Campbell during the national convention in October 1998.

» Olympic torch, the = antorcha olímpica, la.

Example: The rising tension over the Olympic torch relay is heightening concerns whether this summer's Games will be clouded by political rancor.

» pass (on) + the torch (to) = pasar el testigo, ceder el relevo, tomar el relevo.

Example: The burning question is how to pass the torch to a new generation of leaders.

» torchbearer [torch bearer] = abanderado, líder, defensor. [Literalmente, portador de antorcha]

Example: The mission of college libraries in India is to shoulder the responsibilities of a torch bearer.

» torchlight = linterna.

Example: One more reason is that in pitch darkness your torchlight can pick up the eyes of animals easily and in turn the animals cannot see beyond the blinding light.

» torch song = canción de amor. [Generalmente de amor no correspondido]

Example: When she spots him with his new flame while she's singing torch songs in a cheap shanty, she tries to win him back.

torch2 = quemar, prender fuego, incendiar. 

Example: Alenxandria's library was torched and completely destroyed by the brutal Roman emperor Aurelian in A.D. 270.

Torch synonyms

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